Chapter 17~Maahi Ve~

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Hello dear readers! So as I promised that as soon as my target will complete I'll update the next & final chapter of the second phase which is "Separation & Misunderstanding." So here is the update.Hope u guys will like it.
This chapter is dedicated to:
paramian_ ShilluParShian sandhir1709 5trishlasingh pooja919 28vidushi ank7505074725 NehaS0411 NavyaRajput Sandhir14499 Bhavya_sandhir SpreadYourWings95 SusmitaSarkar2 harshianu12 natureloverr_95

Recap-Sanyu going to Sonmarge.

1600 words!

Happy Reading😘
*Sonmarge 11.00 p.m

Sanyu was walking lifelessly on a bridge of Sonmarge.Tears were continuously flowing from her hazel orbs like a endless river(it was the same bridge from where sanyu had jumped into the river in drunken state).Memory of the things which happened few hours ago were continuously flashing in front of her eyes like a nightmare.


After reaching Sonmarge Sanyu was very happy that finally after the long separation of 6 months she will be able meet rd & be with him.From rd's camp she got to know that rd has gone to colonel Khanna's farewell party.Soon she took the address of the venue and reached their.She entered into the party hall(it was the same hall where the Christmas party took place)& was searching for rd in the hall when suddenly a convo b/w colonel khanna & parth caught her hole attention & she froze after listening to it.

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