1. To New & Old Friendships

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Kriya looked at the papers on the table in front of her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

She looked up at the voice. Rey.

"I've destroyed his life enough." She answered, and proceeded to sign the papers. The divorce papers.

Rey's fingers wrapped around her wrist, stopping her before she would sign them. "Kriya, from everything you've told me... he loves you. You. Not Sharon."

"It's why I need to do this."

He couldn't find anything else to say to stop her. She signed the papers. He couldn't understand why Kriya was doing this. He knew she had feelings for Swayam too. It wasn't as if she had feelings for Rey. She had already told him multiple times that they would only ever be friends. Now, after everything with Sharon, even he had somewhere accepted it.

"What next?" He asked.

She slipped the papers in a brown envelope. "After we return from Maldives, I'll get him to sign them too."

He shook his head, for he didn't think Swayam was going to sign them and grant her a divorce just like that.

Kriya... she could just laugh at herself if she had it in her in the moment. A few months ago, before everything, Swayam had brought up the topic himself. She had been the one to insist and deny, being stubborn that there was nothing he could say that would make her given him a divorce. And now? The tables were flipped.

Alas, she had to do this. She had no choice. She couldn't see harm come to anyone else in her life that she could really care about.

Swayam took out his iPad and Kriya knew what he would do next. She snatched it away from him. "You promised. No work at any time during this trip."

"Come on Kriya! Just for some time before we take off. Technically, I promised no work when we were in Maldives. We aren't there yet."

"Don't twist the words around."

She then went on to unlock the iPad. "What's the password?" She asked when he showed fake-anger and muttered colorful things looking out the window.

She typed it in and it worked, "How'd you know?"

"Mr. Hubby, it wasn't hard to guess. You might want to choose a tough password next time." She grinned at his disapproval and went on to play games. Though the back of her mind scolded her that she needed to start making a practice of keeping away from him. He wasn't going to be her husband for much longer.

"Seriously? You're going to play games but not let me do work? Something that actually matters?" He chastised, not believing it.

She turned protective of her games. "Hello, this does matter, alright? Now don't disturb me."

Just then, the announcement came on, asking them to turn off all devices. Swayam mocked Kriya's face and laughed. "Serves you right." She fumed at him and harshly slammed it on his hand.

Even after take-off, she wasn't talking to him. She wasn't angry. She was just having fun seeing him trying to please her and make her talk to him. She found his restlessness cute and wanted to see more of it.

It's probably the last time I'll get to feel this anyway. She thought to herself as she continued pretending the whole journey there, pretending to sleep or listen to music. He would poke her or nudge her or call her every now and then and she'd pretend to not hear it or be unaffected by his nudges. She was surely going to miss having him cajole her. Anyone else would have just let it be and not put up with her childishness. But Swayam wouldn't. He never had given up since they've known each other. He could never bear the thought that she was mad at him, or that he had or would do something to upset her.

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