8. Charges Against Her

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They put Kriya in the interrogation cell where she waited. Officers were watching her from the other side of the long glass pane, as if trying to find an expression on her. But her face remained calm. Not even a wince on her forehead. Her behavior was confusing them.

Two officers walked in the room finally. She turned and smiled to greet them. "Karan Mallik, F.B.I. and this is my partner, Sylvia Chester" He introduced himself and his partner.

"I would shake hands, but..." She held up her hand-cuffed hands. Her response intrigued him further.

"You're aware why you are here?" It was a question but it came out more as a statement.

"Apparently, as the officer over there claims, I have kidnapped somebody."

"Do you accept or deny it?"

She scoffed. He looked at her to see what about that was so funny. "Is my answer going to change your opinion?"

Sylvia chuckled at her reply, impressed. "You're one smart woman."

"Thank you, but apparently not smart enough if I was caught on camera." She challenged the two.

"Is that a confession?"

Kriya scoffed. "Try all the twisted manipulation you've got, Detective. I know my rights."

"Look, why don't you just tell us where you've kept her."

"You know what I'm wondering?" Kriya asked. "You say you already have evidence. Why not charge me with the crime already then?"

Sylvia told Karan, "She won't talk. We're running out of time."

Karan swore, getting frustrated. "Alright. Since you know your rights, do you have a lawyer? Or should we get you one?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. She's already on her way."

"We haven't allowed you a phone call yet." Sylvia wondered out loud.

Kriya smiled, "Since you guys claim you're running out of time, how about you stop wasting your time with me, if you aren't going to arrest me, and go do your job? Find whoever it is that you're looking for."

Karan's cell phone rang and he answered it. Ending it, he looked at Kriya once. "You look surprised?" She asked.

"What's your name?"

Kriya smiled. "I think you just found out, didn't you?"

Kriya was getting on his nerves as she wouldn't answer the questions and instead question him back. "Answer." He slammed his hands on the table.

Sylvia spoke in a warning tone, "Karan."

Kriya sighed, not wincing back at his outburst. "Since you're being as stubborn as a five year old, I'll reply. My name, is Kriya Rai. But you already know that."

"I don't know what you're hiding, but I will find out." He promised her. She laughed, as if to mock him. If he was trying to intimidate her, it wasn't working in the least bit. He pulled her up by her arm, rougher than necessary, and took her out. "Un-cuff her." He instructed the officer who had cuffed one of her hand to the chair.


"I said, un-cuff her." He repeated with more dominance in his tone. Or was it agitation?

Seeing Swayam outside, she smiled and walked to him. Karan followed. "Whatever did you say to him? He's pissed." She told Swayam.

Karan rolled his eyes, standing right besides Kriya, while Sylvia watched being a silent spectator. "For a criminal, you seem to be enjoying this." Karan commented.

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