Big Hero 6: Tadashi x Hiro

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Hiro had been working on his robotics project for 3 weeks straight, barely eating or sleeping. Tadashi was worried about his brother, but knew that Hiro wouldn't stop until the project was perfect. This protect was the one that would determine whether you passed the class or not, so everybody was doing their best to not fail. One night, way past midnight, Hiro let out a deep sigh of relief, finally satisfied with the project he had been working so hard on.

-"It's finally perfect. Now I can finally relax."- He muttered to himself, unaware that Tadashi was still awake, lying in bed waiting for his brother to finish. Tadashi leaves his bed and embraces Hiro's small figure from behind.

-"Are you done Hiro?"- He asks his brother, laying his chin on soft, spiky black hair. Hiro sighs once more.

-"Yes, but I for some reason I feel that maybe it's still not good enough."- Hiro replies, starring at the roof. Tadashi plants a soft kiss on Hiro's head.

-"I'll check tomorrow for you. I know Mr. Callaghan very well, I'll tell you if anything is in need of fixing. Just get some rest, it's been quite a while since you slept properly."-

-"I know, it's just the stress. But you're right, I should get sleeping."- Hiro rises from his seat and lays his head on Tadashi's chest, wanting to feel relaxed enough to get a decent sleep. Tadashi pats his sibling's head, his fingers tangling into the black hair that he so much adored. Hiro smiles and leaves his brother's body to lay down on his bed, completely exhausted. Tadashi smiles and pulls the covers over his brother's sleeping body. After debating whether to stay in the same bed with Hiro or not, he gives Hiro a kiss on the cheek and walks to his own bed, laying down afterward, falling into sleep as well. The next day, Tadashi did as promised, he checked Hiro's project, and was surprised that it was absolutely perfect. Hiro, upon hearing this, felt very happy that he did a good job. Now, he just had to turn the protect in and wait for the results, which were to be delivered a week before the term ended. Hiro left the house early to deliver the project, and didn't come back until late afternoon, almost at 6pm. Tadashi heard his brother come in, but Hiro didn't see him in the kitchen. He simply walked straight up the stairs, in a rushed manner.

-"I wonder what's wrong with him."-  Tadashi silently follows his brother, curious to know what was the matter with his younger brother. When he reaches the top of the stairs, he hears a soft sob come from his side of the bedroom. The division he had was shut, and  Hiro's bed was empty, which could only mean one thing: Hiro was in his bed, but doing what? He gets closer to the division, keeping quiet to not be discovered. He sees Hiro's silhouette, but nothing more. Eager to know what his brother was doing, he opens the door a little, enough to peek into his side of the room. And what he finds simply isn't what he expected. Hiro, laying on his bed, half-naked, covered in sweat, clutching a shirt of Tadashi's, and crying very hard, and rather desperately.

-"Tadashi..." Hiro cries, smelling the shirt he was holding very close to his face. Tadashi stands frozen in the spot, not knowing how to react. "Ah ah ah, Tada-shi..."- Hiro's cries get louder with every word he speaks. He is close to losing it, and hard. "Tadashi!"- His crying is loud and uncontrolled, his tears stain his face and stain Tadashi's sheets and shirt. Hiro collapses onto the bed breathing heavily, his tears still spilling without control. Tadashi finally reacts and approaches his bed silently, not wanting Hiro to know of his presence, not just yet. He places a hand on Hiro's back and caress his small frame, hoping to ease him a little.

-"Why did you come back in such a rush? Was somebody following you? Did something happen at college? Tell me Hiro."- Hiro's eyes widen in embarrassment, being aware that his brother heard him while crying, and not just that, but crying his name.

-"No reason at all, I just don't like walking around in the dark all alone at such hour, that's all."- Hiro replies, wishing his brother would leave him to at least get himself looking a bit more decently, not all covered in tears and snot. Tadashi isn't satisfied with the answer his brother just provided him with. He feels there is something else.

-"Don't lie to me Hiro, I know you very well, and right now, my brother instinct is telling me that you're lying. Hiro, please tell me."- Hiro sighs and decides to tell his brother the truth.

-"A guy was staring too much at me today, and he's been doing that ever since the semester began. He doesn't leave me alone. And to make things worse, he's on each of my classes, AND, he is my robotics partner. I asked Callaghan if he could change my partner, but he said that he couldn't do that until the semester ended, which is the moment in which everybody gets a new classroom, schedule, and partner in most cases. There's no thing I can do about it in other words. I'm scared Tadashi,I really am."-

-"Don't worry, I won't let him or anybody else do anything to you, that I promise."- Tadashi says, leaving a soft kiss on his brother's hair. Hiro begins to cease his crying, now just sobbing occasionally.

-"Thank you Tadashi."- Hiro whispers, curling towards his brother's chest. The older smiles and lays down on te bed, pulling the covers over them both afterwards.

-"You're welcome. I love you Hiro."-

-"And I love you Tadashi."-

The end
Mystery Nerd2019

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