The Legend of Zelda: Ghirahim x Link

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Author's note:
This takes place after the second battle Link has with Ghirahim, just so you know. The location, I forgot, but if you can, please message me the location. Would appreciate it. Now, on to the yaoi.

*3rd P.O.V*
Link had already defeated Ghirahim for the second time (even after Ghirahim had given his pre-battle speech, which included self-complementation on beauty and gentleman likeness). You can already imagine how angry and frustrated Ghirahim was.

-"I have had ENOUGH of you! You have been mocking me over and over like an ignorant child! You will PAY for this!" Ghirahim yells, charging towards Link, who tries to dodge the incoming attack, but doesn't succeed in doing so. Ghirahim knocks Link down and then pins him to the floor, with bonds on his wrists and ankles. Link struggles against his bonds, but fails to have any effect on them. "You won't be able to break free of those easily Link, so I suggest your energy for later on, for when I am having... fun." Ghirahim says, slowly leaning down until he is hovering over Link, who's eyes widen in surprise when Ghirahim places his lips onto Link's, passionately kissing him. Link doesn't respond, not only because Ghirahim is his enemy, also because it is wrong. He wasn't gay, as far as he knew. He had always been in love with Zelda, or so he thought. Why was Ghirahim torturing him like this? Why not in some other way? Link would've preferred to be tortured in burning lava or freezing ice. Literally, in any way that didn't involve anything being close to sexual contact. Link wanted Ghirahim to stop, use some other torture. But deep down, he knew that if he spoke, things would get worse, and maybe even more sexual. Ghirahim tears his lips away from Link's, feeling somewhat satisfied. "You know what Link?, you're a very adorable boy, or should I say man? Nah, you're just a cute boy, because there aren't any cute men. What should I do to you next? It's hard to decide, but I believe the most practical thing to do now is strip you, don't you think?" Link shyly nods. "Shy aren't we to be in such intimacy with another but not to hold a sword and battle? That's charming Linky..."- What was he doing? Why was he doing it? What is wrong with Ghirahim? Why is he acting like this? Nothing made sense to Link anymore, and that, was killing him. Ghirahim removes Link's weapons, which makes him feel defenseless. Ghirahim tosses the sword, shield, and pouch aside, rather delicately. Then, he begins to undo Link's shirt, slowly revealing Link's sort-of-tanned chest, which looked very smooth. After a few moments, Link's shirt is also tossed, landing right next to his other belongings. Link's eyes are full of fear and confusion while Ghirahim's were somewhat darkened and lustful. Ghirahim begins to massage his enemy's nipples, which erupts soft moans from Link's mouth.

-"Aaaahhhh..."- Link moans, his nails digging into his bonds.

-"So little Link likes my touch, that's good... very good without a doubt." Ghirahim smirks and then licks one of the younger boy's nipples while pinching the other. Link doesn't dare moan Ghirahim's name, though the pleasure is tempting him to do so. The older abandons Link's nipples and proceeds to remove his boots and pants, along with whatever garment of clothing that the boy used as underwear. "Why don't you moan? You sound lovely when you do darling, so please don't refrain the sound of your beautiful voice."-  Ghirahim, after fully stripping the Skyloft hero, plants a sweet kiss on the tip of Link's penis and then takes it into his mouth all at once.

-"Aah! GHIRAHIM!" Link yells, throwing his head back, gasping for air. Ghirahim increases his speed, driving Link onto the edge. "AHAA! Mmm... Ghirahim, I'm gonna cum!!"- Link screams and cums into his enemy's mouth, who swallows all of the younger's essence in a single gulp. This turns Link on for a strange reason he did not know of.

-"You're such a dirty bad boy, who would've thought that the hero of the Skyfolk would be so naughty and kinky?"- Ghirahim stands up and removes the tiny coat he is always wearing, revealing his muscled chest. Then, he crawls over Link once more and leaves another kiss on the boy's lips. Link had finally given in to Ghirahim's abuse, and he couldn't back out from it. Ghirahim separates his lips from Link's and inserts a long skinny finger into the younger boy's tight virgin entrance. Link moans as Ghirahim wriggles his finger deep inside of his tight ring of muscle.

-"Mmm, aahh, more..."- Link moans low enough for only him to hear. Ghirahim arcs a brow, watching his captive with twisted pleasure.

-"What was that Link? I didn't hear you. Please, repeat."- The older says, slowing his pace very significantly. Link pushes his hips down in order to get the pleasure he needed.

-"I said I want more. Ghirahim please, give me more..."- Link begs, feeling the color rise to his cheeks, which causes Ghirahim to smile in a wicked way.

-"My pleasure."- The older complies by adding two extra fingers, painfully stretching Link's virgin hole. After some fingering, Link screams loudly when Ghirahim's fingers brush against his prostate:

-"THERE! THERE AGAIN, PLEASE!!" Ghirahim removes his fingers and decides to humiliate Link further, by making Link beg him to fuck him senseless. When Link notices that the older isn't making a move to fuck him, he becomes desperate. "Well, aren't you gonna continue?"-

-"Not until you beg me for it Link." Ghirahim presses the tip of his recently appeared penis to Link's wet entrance, giving Link the urge to slam his hips down on the member below him, but he can't do so because Ghirahim has his hips pinned down with his hands. Link becomes flustered and loses his patience. He needed release, and urgently. "Just say it Link, just say it."-

-"Oh God dammit, FUCK ME GHIRAHIM!!" The older smirks and thrusts into Link, his tip hitting that special bundle of nerves deep inside Link. "Ghirahim!"- Link yells, panting afterwards, having received the contact he needed. Ghirahim begins to thrust in and out of Link's ass, feeling aroused by Link's moans and body.

-"You're so hot. Oh Link, you turn me on so badly, it makes me want to pound harder into you."- He whispers, licking Link's earlobe and somehow going faster than ever before, getting all sweaty, just like Link.

-"Ghirahim, I'm going to-"- Link moans, his body shinning because of the sweat that covered his soft skin.

-"Link..."- Ghirahim moans barely audibly and climaxes inside of Link while the younger orgasmed between their stomachs. Then, the older slips his member out of Link and releases his bonds, also putting his coat on. His penis disappears after this as well.

-"Ghirahim..."- Link pants, looking at Ghirahim with hope in his eyes.

-"I went easy on you this time Link, but don't think it will be the same next time, because the next time we meet, your only defense will be your screams."- Ghirahim says and disappears, leaving Link laying in the floor, high, sort of raped, and covered in cum and in sweat. Link stands up and gets dressed with the little dignity and pride he has left, hoping that he encountered nobody on his way back to Skyloft for potion resupply and shield repair, because he would just end up getting himself fucked again without  a second thought.

The end
Mystery Nerd2019

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