Percy Jackson and the Olimpians: Luke x Percy

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Percy was walking down at the beach, feeling depressed. He didn't understand why Luke was so cold to him, but cheery to everyone else. Luke always stared at Percy, but the younger never understood why he did that and was cold to him. The beach or any body of water was Percy's safe haven. Well, that makes sense, since he's the son of the Sea God, Poseidon. Percy was in no mood or state to go back go camp early, because the earlier he arrived, the more coldness he had to endure from Luke. So he stayed out of camp until very late, avoiding Luke and his stares. It's 3 hours past midnight, not a good hour to be walking outside, and especially not alone. Percy takes his shoes off and leaves them in a corner of an abandoned beach house nearby. Then, he walks to the shore and lets the water wet his feet. Percy smiles and has the sudden urge to have water fill him completely, so he heads back to the same corner where he left his shoes and takes his shirt off, leaving it on top of his sneakers. He rushes to the water and swims until his feet are far from the sea floor. After a while, he goes under the ocean waves, his body being between the surface above and the depths of the ocean below. Percy remains in this space for a long time, trying hard not to think about Luke, but his thoughts shift towards him without his consent. After he tires of thinking and not finding the comfort on the calm waters, Percy swims back to shore to grab his belongings and head back to camp to his cabin, where he always was lonely. He lays in bed wide awake, pants still soaking wet. He feels somebody enter his room, but doesn't really give attention to that fact, wanting to be alone and undisturbed. A body settled down next to Percy's, and when he turns to see who had come in, he sees Nico DiAngelo, the son of Hades, laying next to him, his hazel eyes starring into Percy's sea blue ones.

-"Hey Nico, what brings you around?"- Percy asks, trying to sound cheerful, which is ironic, considering he is laying in bed with wet clothes and not caring who came inside his room. Nico smirks.

-"You're bad at lying Jackson, so don't try to lie to me, ok? Now tell me, what's wrong?"- The son of Hades asks, pulling Percy closer to him. Percy sighs.

-"It's Luke. His coldness towards me confuses me, and his creepy stalker starring is creeping the crap out of me. I don't know what to do Nico."- The son of the Sea God replies, laying his head on Nico's chest, which was warm, the total opposite of Percy's temperature. Nico begins to caress Percy's dark brown hair, fingers pulling it lightly.

-"Well, just try to ignore him. I really can't tell you much about that. He's sort of an ass, so just let him be. Ignore him and act as if you didn't care. That should do the trick."- Nico says, smiling. Percy smiles.

-"Thanks Nico. Hope that it really works."- Nico giggles and then leaves a peck on Percy's forehead. Then, he rises from the bed, dragging Percy along with him.

-"I guess I'll be off. Don't want a certain someone to unleash a million demons if I don't return soon."- He says, placing his hands in Percy's hips. Percy nods.

-"Yeah, head back. See you tomorrow then."- Poseidon's son says, smiling. Nico smirks and hugs Percy, who returns the action rather awkwardly.

-"See you tomorrow Percy."- They break away and Nico kisses Percy deeply before going out the window and vanishing into the shadows. Percy allows his fingers to travel to his lips, still feeling the warmth of Nico's lips on his. Luke watches in jealousy from the doorway as Percy closes the window and heads into the shower, not glancing at all in the direction of the door. The reason Luke was so cold to Percy was to at some point make Percy come and question him about it, and there he would claim the son of the Sea God for himself. Percy exits the bathroom and plops down in his bed only in blue boxers, which hugged his arse very perfectly and added some curve to it. It took everything for Luke not to jump on him and fuck his guts out, but he decided to let the brown haired come to him. He knew that if he insisted, things wouldn't go well. The next day, Luke decided that if he wanted Percy to fall for him, he had to prove to the sea blue eyed that he wanted to be with him. Early in the morning, Percy was seated at his table, alone, as usual. Luke was about to leave his table and go to Percy, but Nico sits down next to Percy and greets him with a full kiss on the lips. Luke tightens his hands into fists, wanting to break the boy's nose by daring to be so close to Percy, who only blushed like a tomato and turned his head away. Nico notices Luke's death glare and sends him a smirk, enjoying the son of the God of Messengers reaction.

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