Black Butler: Sebastian x Ciel

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Ciel had not been sleeping at all for the last 3 weeks. He would wake in the middle of the nights with a severe headache and nausea, but nothing ever came out. And when Ciel thought he'd go mad with pain, it would all go away. Sebastian had noticed that Ciel wasn't himself lately, but decided that if his master hadn't told him anything, it was because everything was alright. On the third night of the fourth week, Ciel couldn't even close his eyes without feeling sick. He wasn't exactly a fan of staying up all night, and he didn't plan to spend another night without any sleep, so he shuts his eyes and ignores the nausea and headache, falling into an uneasy sleep after a while. He dreams that he is dining with a mysterious man who had a mask covering their face. The only visible features were its hair and skin color, because the mask concealed even the eye color. The man hadn't eaten a single bite of the food laid out on his plate, but he didn't stop starring at the way that Ciel ate his food. Ciel stops eating when a cold chill runs down his spine. He looks up from his food and doesn't see the man at the other  end of the table, but when he turns to look behind him, a hand covers his mouth and Ciel feels another one descend to his lower region, which has never been sexually active that we can say.  Ciel tenses and tries to pry the hands away, but he doesn't succeed in anything.

-"Oh don't worry dear Ciel..." The man's voice rings into his ear, goosebumps erupting on Ciel's skin. "You'll enjoy the touch you darling charm."-

Ciel wakes up with his heart beating in his throat and sweat covering his entire body. He sits up in the bed, pushing the covers off of his body, not wanting to feel any hotter than he already is. He wipes sweat from with his forehand, panting hard, air being heavy. Ciel begins to shiver, cold sweat running down his face, his back, his legs, and everywhere in his body. When he feels he is going to die from the fever, he leaves the bed and goes out into the hallway, leaning against the wall for dear life. Ciel reaches the kitchens and gets a glass of water, to see if the cold liquid would ease his fever away. When the water has no effect, Ciel heads back to his bedroom, going into the bathroom and getting the tub filled with cold water as he strips from his nightclothes. Then, he quickly gets into the tub, the cold water making him shiver.

-"Aaahhh... this hurts like hell, but I've gotta do this if I want to sleep at least one night..." Ciel mutters to himself, still shivering. He wraps his arms around himself to provide some heat, but he only succeeds in feeling colder. "I'm surprised that that damn demon hasn't noticed that I'm going through all this shit. Oh well, as if he could do anything..."- Ciel continues to mutter, teeth chattering. Sebastian stirs on his bed, feeling his master ill. He leaves his room and marches to Ciel's, opening the door and finding nobody in the bed.

-"Young Master..." Sebastian calls, stepping into the room, closing the door behind him. Ciel doesn't hear him, for Sebastian is barely whispering. "My lord, are you here?"- Ciel had fallen asleep in the tub, and he dreamed of the man with the mask again.

-"Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my manor?!"- Ciel asks the man behind him, getting the man's hands off him and abruptly rising from his chair, moving away from the mysterious masked man. The man lets out a devilish laugh as he approaches Ciel, who continues to move further away from him.

-"Oh darling Phantomhive, don't cower away from me..." Ciel finds himself trapped between the man and the wall. He bolts to run out of the room, but the man seizes his arm and pins him to the wall, the man's tall and muscular pushing Ciel's small and skinny body to the wall. "I won't hurt you."- Ciel spits the man's mask.

-"LIAR!! If you're not gonna hurt me, then why don't you show your face? Who's the coward now??!!"- Ciel screams, trying to kick the man, but his legs are pinned to the wall by the man's. A smirk comes from the masked man.

-"You're right Ciel, I'm being a coward by hiding my identity behind this mask. Allow me to show you who I am."- The man removes his mask with his free hand, and reveals his face. Ciel's eyes widen at the sight of the man's face.

-"Claude Faustus?! What the hell do you think you're doing??!!"- The young Phantomhive asks, anger boiling in his insides. The demon butler can't help but smirk.

-"Not much Ciel," Claude leans in to Ciel's neck, his lips over the younger's skin. "I just want to leave you marked..."- Ciel frowns.

-"Leave me marked? AAAHHH!!!" Ciel screams when Claude sinks his teeth into his neck, drawing the younger's blood from his body. "Claude stop! AAH! Sebastian! SEBASTIAN!!!!"- Ciel continues to scream, wriggling his body to try to get Claude off him,but he doesn't achieve anything.

-"Call for him all you want Ciel, he's not gonna save you."- Claude says, sinking his teeth deeper. Tears fill the Phantomhive's eyes.

-"Sebastian! Sebastian! Sebastian!!"-

-"SEBASTIAN!"- Ciel yells, snapping his eyes open and panting. Sebastian hears this and barges into the bathroom, finding his young master in the tub, panting heavily.

-"My lord, what is the matter? Did you fall asleep in the bath?"- Sebastian asks, slowly coming closer to Ciel, who doesn't take his gaze off of the water in the tub.

-"Claude, Claude..." Ciel pants, turning to look at Sebastian, which is frowning at the mention of the demon's name. "Where is Claude? Sebastian, where is Claude?"-

-"I do not know my lord, but I suppose he must be with Alois Trancy, as he usually is. Why do you ask Young Master?"- The demon butler asks, kneeling next to the tub, his gaze locked onto Ciel's.

-"It's him Sebastian, he's the one behind all that's been happening to me for these past weeks."- Ciel relies, exiting the tub and going over to his bed, sitting in the middle and grabbing the phone from the beside table, dialing Alois's number. After a few rings, a maid answers.

-"Ciel, what are you?-"-

-"Hello? Yes, it's Ciel Phantomhive. May I please speak to Alois Trancy? Thank you." Ciel says, cutting Sebastian off with a raise of his hand. Silence fills the air for a few seconds, but then Ciel's voice replaces it. "Hello, Alois? Yes it's me, Ciel. Is your hell of a butler with you? It's just that... never mind. But are you sure he's there?" A moan comes from the other side of the line, which is enough for of an answer. "Okay,I can hear that he's there. Sorry for the bother Alois."- Ciel says and hangs up, sighing in defeat. Sebastian sits down next to Ciel and wraps a towel around Ciel, keeping him from catching a cold.

-"Ciel, what was that all about? Why did you want to know if Claude was with Alois?"- Sebastian asks, his hands resting on Ciel's shoulders.

-"For these past three weeks, I've been waking up in the middle of the night, with nausea and severe headaches. But this tonight, I decided to ignore that and fall asleep anyway. I dreamed that a masked man visited the manor and we were dinning, and then he disappeared. And when I looked back, there he was behind me, and he covered my mouth with his hand. I pushed him off, and then he pinned me to the wall. The man then revealed his face, and I saw it was Claude. And then, he bit my neck. I called for you, but you never came."- Ciel replies, looking away to the wall. The butler can't help but smirk and pull the Phantomhive closer to him.

-"Ciel, always remember that whenever you call for me..." Sebastian lifts Ciel's chin upward and removes the eyepatch, revealing the purple colored eye with Sebastian's contract seal. "I will always come to you."- Ciel smiles and so does Sebastian before they unite their lips into a passionate kiss, which turns into a love making session.

-"Sebastian, are you sure of what you're doing?"- Ciel asks Sebastian when he is about to enter the young Phantomhive. Sebastian smiles and kisses his young master with tender care.

-"Yes my darling Ciel. I love you, and that is the reason why I'm doing this."- The demon butler replies, earning another rare smile from Ciel Phantomhive.

-"Then keep going Sebastian. I love you too." Sebastian smile and thrusts into Ciel, who then clings to Sebastian for dear life as the butler continues to thrust in and out of him. "Ahh... SEBASTIAN!"-

The end
Mystery Nerd2019

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