*IMAGINE 40*(pt 5 of Imagine 34)

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This Imagine is for SieraSmith6

You and Klayton were standing at the altar, listening to all the beautiful words the preacher was spouting to you both, with little Hayley sitting in the wagon on your side, and lil Johnny sitting in a second wagon on Klayton's side...Criss was the best man, and your sister was the maid of honor...everyone was very happy that you and Klayton were finally getting married...right after the reception, Klayton grabs you up in his arms and spins you in a full circle, then picks up Hayley and carries her to the car, where you and him go straight to the courthouse so that he could legally adopt Hayley...beens her biological father stated in public court that he wanted nothing to do with the her...Klayton signed all the paperwork then the judge looked them over thoroughly and said he was know legally responsible for Hayley as well as you were...and that her certificate would be changed, and so would her last name be legally changed to Scott.

Klayton picked up his little angel and took you by your hand and headed home with a 100 watt smile on his face...for he was now legally Hayley's daddy. You have never been so happy in your life...you had the perfect husband, and Hayley had one of the world's greatest daddy's...and Klayton finally had a family of his own...with a perfect wife and the most amazing daughter in the world...but just to add a little extra happiness to his day you told him you were pregnant with his daughter...which after him hearing you say that to him, he had tears pouring down his face...and said when...you told him that in 4 months he would be holding his 2nd angel...he jumped the gun and said he needed to think of a name for her...he kept you up, along with calling Criss and your sister constantly telling them the news over and over again...until Criss finally drove up to your house and personally congratulated him, so he would stop calling every 3 minutes...then with all their heads put together they came up with the perfect name for her...Aphelion Kaye Scott. After she was born, everyone lived very happily from that moment on.

*Criss Angel Forever Imagines* (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now