*IMAGINE 29*(pt 4 of Imagine 24)

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This Imagine is for SieraSmith6

You and Leland were married now for 3 years, and as of late, Leland has been very short-tempered with you and becoming extremely difficult to live with...you got tired of making your kids listen to his shit, so you sent them off to their grandpa Dog and grandma Beth in Hawaii for the month. Once the kids were gone, Leland spilled the beans and tells you to your face that he thinks you have been cheating on him for a few months now...and he wants the bastards name, and then either you stop seeing him, or he wants a divorce...after he beats the shit out of the guy, and gets custody of the kids.

You were so pissed off at him for even thinking that...that instead of arguing with him, you just laughed at him, and called him an idiot...that you have never cheated on him, or would ever want too...that his job day in and day out, has made him way too suspicious of everything...and that he really needs to apologize to you.

He apologized all right...he spun around and bitch slapped you to the floor, and stormed out of the door...you were laying on the floor in shock that he actually struck you...just as you were slowly getting up...your dad Criss walks in the house and sees blood pouring from your nose and a little from your lip...he runs over to you and asks you what happened...you give an insecure smile and tell him that you were a klutz and tripped over your own foot...and did a total wipeout...but as you see Criss's face you know he wasn't buying it.

Criss stormed through the entire house hollering for Leland...but you told him he left. Criss grabs an icepack out of the freezer and places it on your face...then asks you why he struck you like that...you move the pack away from your mouth, and tell your dad while he was holding you that he thought you were cheating on him with another guy...and when you told him you weren't he didn't believe you and this was the results.

Criss sat you on the sofa and told you to lay there with the ice pack on, and he would be back...Criss stormed out the door very pissed off, and headed to Leland's place of work, and burst in the door to see him sitting behind his desk...as soon as he saw the look on his father-in-law's face, he knew he was up shit's creek without a paddle...or a boat for that matter. Leland stood up and tried to explain to Criss, but Criss didn't give him any time at all...he knocked his ass out in one punch...then waited for him to come too.

Leland looked at Criss and said he probably deserved that, but you were cheating on him...Criss looked at him and told him straight out that his little girl hasn't cheated on anyone...that she loved his worthless ass too much to ever do that to him...and that if he wants to get back into his good graces...he better get his head outta his ass, and wake the fuck up! And go apologize to his wife, for being nothing more than a total dumbass...then Criss grabbed Leland by his neck as he passed him in total submission, and added if he ever touched his little girl like that again he'd make him disappear permanently...and not even his daddy Dog would ever be able to find him.

Leland ran home and handed his wife a bouquet of flowers and deeply apologized for him being a total dumbass, and actually thinking that she would cheat on him...you took one look at your hubby's face and asked if he had a run in with dad...Leland looked at you and said run-in his ass...Criss laid his ass out...but dad was doing the right thing and knocking some sense back into his scattered brain...then Leland added after kissing you and telling you how sorry he was...that your dad really hurt him bad...you held him and said maybe next time he would believe you when you told him the truth, and he wouldn't have these little disagreements with your daddy. Leland laughed and said he really pitied the boy that ever started to date your little half-sister Rachel...you smiled at him and said yeah...then you told him that you were trying to tell him all week something...but he was being a total dickhead...so you never got to tell him yet...he puts his arms around you and asks what it was...you lay your head on his shoulder and tell him through a few sobs, that you were pregnant again with another one of his children. Leland looks at you, but literally, couldn't respond...he was speechless.

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