*IMAGINE 82*(pt 8 of Imagine 75)

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You were now going in and out of consciousness and Criss was carrying you, while talking to you the entire time, trying to keep you awake...he was so afraid that you were going to end up losing your hand, from the venom that was making your hand and wrist very swollen, and turning darker colorations daily...but he didn't know what else to do...besides move as fast as he could...he was even going through some tears off and on, from the worry...telling himself over and over that it should have been him that got bitten instead.

After another hour of walking very quickly carrying you...he saw the smoke from the HQ...and gave you a squeeze and begged you to hold on a little longer, for you were almost there...just then Criss saw Klayton and Rachel running toward him and you...Criss was so tired from carrying you nonstop...but he refused to let you go...so Klayton helped him carry you the rest of the way, as Rachel raced off way ahead of them to tell everyone that you had been bitten by a snake, and needed medical help asap...

Criss carried you to the hospital tent, and laid you down gently and hollered for them to help you right now!! The director came in and asked him all different questions, about how long ago you got bit, and if he knew what kind of snake it was that bit you...he answered all the questions...then grabbed the director and ordered him to fix your hand...and when they left this island, your hand better be still functional...then he added if you lost your hand...he would make it his personal duty to make sure they lost everything...for now fucking reality show was worth you losing your hand, or your life...especially not for him.

Criss went back into the room where they were cutting into your hand and lightly squeezing out the poison/infection, that was in your hand...then kept milking it out...until your hand was down to its normal size...then they began the IV, with the anti-venom in it...to start the healing process...at that point no one cared about who won the competition...for they all were too worried about you. Criss stayed by your side and held your other hand the entire time...Klayton and Rachel stayed right beside him too...watching and waiting...three days later you finally woke up and your hand was all wrapped up...and Criss was asleep in the chair beside you with his hand still holding yours.

You lightly give his hand a squeeze and he was awake instantly...he moved in closer to you and kissed your forehead, and welcomed you back...you apologized to him, for ruining the competition for him...he just brushed your hair out of your eyes and said none of that mattered...you being better was all that mattered...the doctor came in and said that your hand would be saved, and fully functional...then added that you were very lucky...that you got there when you did...or you would have lost more than just a hand and wrist...that you would have lost your life...you turned your head and looked right at Criss and said that would have never happened...for you had your angel with you...and he wouldn't let anything bad happen to you...then you pulled his hand to you and kissed it gently then closed your eyes and went back to sleep.

It was now the final day of the reality show...and the Director was announcing the winners...he called up Klayton and Rachel to the winner's ring...but when he offered Klayton the trophy...he refused it, Rachel held her hand out, but Klayton shook his head to her...and she caught his meaning, and refused it too...then Klayton swiped the directors microphone...and said that all the rivaling teams took an anonymous vote, and agreed that there was only one true survivor here on this island...and it wasn't them...Klayton took the trophy and handed it to you, and kissed you on the cheek and said you were the true survivor and the only one that deserved it.

You held it up and said, you may be a survivor, but if it hadn't been for your partner and friend...Criss, you wouldn't be here to accept the trophy, and to you...he was the one that deserved it more than you...if nothing more than just being your saviour...then you handed him the trophy, and kissed him on the cheek and thanked him...which made him blush...Klayton laughed at him and told him he was brighter red than his hair...but Criss had something on his mind...he simultaneously dropped the trophy down, and put you in a big dip, and laid a whopping french kiss on you...his tongue made it's way to China...then he pulled you back up and looked right into the live feed camera and said yep he still had it...then walked away...you stood there still in shock in what Criss just did in front of live feed...where everyone and their dogs was watching...you could just hear in now...all your friends back home and your parents seeing Criss Angel playing tonsil hockey with you.

You and the rest of the island teams, were now back in Hollywood, at a hotel room, where you were packing up and getting ready to head back home...but Criss came in the room and asked you to stay a little bit longer...for he wanted to celebrate with you...he pulled out a bottle of sweet cherry wine, and said he got it just for you and him to share...tonight...you looked at him and said you had to leave before night...for your parents were mad enough at you, for doing the show in the first place...Criss grabbed you in his arms, and said he simply wouldn't take no for an answer...that you were going to spend the night with him...then he went to your ear and whispered why...you turned bright red, and stepped back and said no way...but Criss grabbed you then your bag and walked you to his suite...and charmed you into doing exactly what he always knew he would do...he was just waiting for his moment...and he nailed it and you perfectly.

*Criss Angel Forever Imagines* (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now