Chapter 1 - It's Been So Long

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Louis- 13
Harry- 17


The day was as clear as it could be, with the sun peeking from behind the clouds and shining upon the trees under it. The air was cool, of course with an ear-freezing breeze flowing.

The omega was gazing outside the window of his chamber, particularly looking for the guests that were to be at their castle at any moment.

A beautiful smile curled upon his lips as he saw the three males getting off the horses and the queen stepping out of her carriage. Soldiers following after them.

A knock was heard on his door.

"Come in," he spoke politely.

The maid entered with her head bowed in respect, "The royalties from Cheshire have arrived, Prince."

He beamed in happiness, face stretching into a cute smile.

"I'll be there in a minute," he replied, getting off the chair by the window as the maid exited.

He made quick work of putting on his crown and sprinted down the halls, ignoring the fact that he should be behaving like a Prince. He came to a halt as he heard murmurs of pleasantries being exchanged between his father and the king of Cheshire.

Fixing his clothes and crown, he walked towards the courtroom, glad that he wasn't noticed yet.

The king and queen of Cheshire were talking to his father while Liam was laughing along Zayn and Niall.

A pout formed in his lips as he didn't see the curly haired alpha.

"I am here, little one," Harry whispered from behind him. He turned with a grin and let himself be held tightly in the embrace.

"It's been so long," he sighed, nuzzling in the crook of Harry's neck, "I missed you, Harry."

Harry smiled at him, stealing a quick kiss and causing him to blush, "I missed you, too, Louis."

He purred in satisfaction. His eyes taking in the face of the alpha he loved to his death. With hesistant fingers he traced the plump bottom lip of the green eyed boy, biting his own when the alpha licked his finger.

He gasped audibly when Harry pulled him by his waist, kissing him with longing and desperation. With a whine he melted into the kiss, letting Harry explore his mouth.

Placing a last kiss at his lips and pressing their foreheads together, Harry whispered, "Can't get enough of you, ever."

With a blush on his face, he followed Harry in the courtroom, trying to calm his breathing and smiling shyly as Niall looked from Harry to him with a knowing smirk.

He stood quietly beside Niall and Zayn, watching Harry talk with the other three alphas.

The omega made his way over to Anne, his second mother. After Johannah had passed when he was five, Anne was the only mother figure and omega influence on him. She wasn't a typical omega, she was powerful and held authority, just like his mother used to be.

He knew he would never be able to become like any of those two ladies but he surely won't disappoint his mother by being a submissive omega.

"Hi, Anne," he smiled up at the woman.

"Hello, Louis. How have you been?" Anne asked him with a kind smile, her eyes lighting with happiness.

"I am good."

"Harry had been missing you a lot. Although, he didn't say it by himself, I could see him getting worked up when we had to postpone our visit," she informed while trying to hide her obvious amusement at her son's desperation.

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