Chapter 2 - A Love So Pure

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Louis- 27
Harry- 31


Louis watched his pups playing in the royal gardens from where he was sitting and sipping his evening tea at the patio. He shook his head with a smile when Elizabeth turned into her wolf, shredding her dress and pranced around her brothers.

She was the first one to learn how to change despite being the youngest and an omega.

It took much more energy for Adrian to change onto his soft and small white wolf, resembling Louis' in many ways. Elizabeth had a glowing silver fur, just like the moon goddess.

Lucius hadn't changed yet. It had broken the little wolf's heart when both of his siblings could turn but he couldn't. He didn't show it, didn't want his brother and sister to stop because of him. But Louis knew his son, of course he did, he showered him with affection, never wanting for his son to feel as if his parents thought any less of him.

It took some wolves many years to turn for the first time. Harry himself had turned only after his first rut, presenting as an alpha.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a presence beside him and sighed in satisfaction of having his alpha close. Harry kissed his hair when he rested his head on the alpha's shoulder.

"How are you feeling, my little love?"

"Good," Louis sighed and entwined his fingers with his husband's, resting them on his thigh.

"Pregnancy suits you well. I should always keep you pregnant," Harry whispered in a teasing tone.

Louis glanced up at the brute male and gave him a fake look of disapproval before giggling. "Hmm, be glad that this time you didn't impregnate me with more than one child or I would have to chop your manhood off," he tried to scold the alpha and failed miserably with the smile that broke onto his lips from Harry's throaty laugh.

"You would never do that. You tend to need it more than I do," Harry smirked at him and gained himself a hit on his chest. He caught the little wolf's hand and kissed his palm. "How is my daughter?" He asked softly, placing his hand on the small bump; much smaller than the previous time.

"She's asleep thankfully," Louis whispered with a small smile, happily receiving a peck to his lips. "I think she will be an alpha, from how demanding she already Is."

"Are you saying that I am demanding?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"What if I am?"

Harry hummed and a smirk formed on his lips, "Then I must say, my luna, that you will be fulfilling many of my demands tonight."

Louis blushed at that but didn't back down, instead he ran a finger down the preeminent's chest until it was on the waistline of his pants, tugging lightly at the material. He leaned in to nip at the alpha's earlobe, "I would love to fulfil each one of them."

He heard the alpha groan and giggled when his mate buried his face in the crook of his neck, licking the mark and biting playfully. "Then I must put the three rascals to bed already."

"Oi!" Louis swatted at his chest and pushed him away, "Those are my babies you are talking about." He tried to feign anger but broke into laughter.

The alpha moved the omega to pull him in his lap and encircled him in his arms, "Forgive me, my queen. How may I repay for the punishable crime of offending you?"

"Well, you may start with the promise of letting me go to the market alone."

Harry's features hardened at that in an instant, all the previous playfulness lost, a low and threatening growl erupting from his throat, "I told you to never ask for that again, didn't I?"

His tone made the omega whimper and bow his head in submission, "Yes, alpha."

"You remember what happened last time you were there alone and still you dared to ask."

Louis remembered everything vividly. It was only two months prior. He had left the castle without any guards or informing anyone. Thinking that he would just buy what he needed and return quickly, but after being pregnant with triplets -even if that was years ago- his body was trying to reject pregnancy. That, and to walk all the way to main town carrying things had him dizzy and panting. He had fainted on the way back, hurting and exhausting himself.

He could perfectly recall how worried everyone was; his mate, his children, his brother, Martha, all of their subjects. He had been on bed for two whole weeks, the risk of miscarriage looming over their heads and with it came the alpha's greatest horror, the possibility of losing him.

When he had recovered and was out of possible danger, Harry was livid at him, refusing to talk to him other than asking for his health for a week. It was enough of a punishment for Louis and he should have known better than to bring such a topic up.

"I am s-"

"I have some work," Harry interrupted as he started to apologise and he got the hint. He got off the alpha's lap and watched with sad eyes as his mate strode inside the castle; muscles tense and jaw clenched.

"Dad!" Adrian exclaimed before the trio ran up to him engulf him in their hug, sensing his sadness but unaware of the reason. He could feel Harry's anger and remorse -upon recalling the incident- from their bond, and the hug from his pups did help to suppress a bit of his guilt.


Louis was hardly able to keep his emotions in check; feeling a load sadness and self loathe wash over him. The Cheshire king hadn't talked to him the whole evening, refusing to address to him or look at him. He had came back from putting his pups to sleep and Harry wasn't there with him neither was he in their chamber.

He curled under the duvet and sobbed quietly. Harry couldn't sense his emotions as he had closed off himself, only able to feel Harry's thoughts but denying to share any, letting himself suffer. Harry was no longer angry, he knew that, but his mate was blaming himself for being an irresponsible alpha.

The bed dipped beside him after what felt like hours and a rigid but warm body fused with his curled form from behind.

"Don't close off yourself from me, my love. It pains to not know what you are feeling, to think that you are making yourself suffer," Harry spoke after minutes passed with them laying on the mattress.

He obeyed and reconnected to the bond, immediately feeling the alpha tense and pull him closer, starting to lick at his mark with a whine.

"I love you, my luna. I can never fathom to be indifferent to you, let alone hate you. I love you no matter what, and under no circumstances shall you ever doubt it."

Louis turned with the alpha's help and was filled with joy when his mate kissed him deep and lovingly.

"I am sorry I worried you, alpha, but that was never my intention. I simply missed walking through the town alone."

"I don't believe I'll ever be able to let you out of my sight without knowing that you are protected," Harry sighed, gazing down at his sweet omega, "I know you love going to the town and I will never restrict you to do that. But please take at least one qualified guard with you. Even I'll go with you if you ask me."

The omega pushed himself up and kissed his mate, parting his legs to let the alpha settle between them. "I'll remember that, promise. I love you."

"I do too, little one."


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