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I received a message today 3/11/2017 from someone who says he/she is adapting my work into a Machinima and is currently writing the script. Now while I do appreciate the effort my permission was never asked. I do not appreciate nor approve of my work being adapted into anything without my permission. Neither do I accept translation requests.

 There is a reason I'm learning Chinese, because I want to have my work read in china but written by ME. This is a very personal story that tells deep secrets about myself and family and friends with whom have given me permission to do so because it's our lives and they trust my words but they've not given anyone else that permission meaning legally you can be sued by not just me but them.

 I do not want my story being told by someone I am not aware of or do not approve of. If I want it in another language I will personally learn that language and write it myself. If I want it made into a game I have a brother that went to university for just that and as at two years back I started learning how to code. If I want it made into a movie there's a reason I took scriptwriting and film making classes to be the one to write my own story if I ever decided to sell it's rights. 

So many people have asked me to publish and I haven't, why? It's my own personal story that I'm not ready to have published yet other than here. And until I'm comfortable doing so I'd appreciate it if you ceased from translations, scripts, adaptations of any kind, etc as while this is only published online. It is copyrighted by the commission. 

Hence please cease from all translations, scripts or adaptations etc as if It comes to my attention I shall ask you to take it down and if you refuse to do so then I shall seek legal action. If you really loved this story then you should have the common decency/ sense and respect to ask for permission before trying to write a script, adapt or translate my work. Thank you.



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