33. Stupid or independent

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March 10th 1million Reads!!! We made it :)

"There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days."

"And, of course when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back."

"There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads."

"But, once in a while, people push onto something better. Something found just beyond the pain of going it alone. And just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in."

"Or to give someone a second chance."

"Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream."

"Because, it's only when you're tested that you truly discover who you are."

"And, it's only when you're tested that you discover who you can be."

"The person you want to be does exist; somewhere on the other side of hard work and faith and belief. And, beyond the heartache and fear of what lies ahead." - Lucas Scott One Tree Hill

Song :  I don't need a man - Miss A


Hera takes a step back and places her hands against her heart shutting her eyes and urging herself to do just that, breathe.

Lexis walks over to the counter and looks at the items arranged on it.

"What's this?" He asks.

"Pancakes!" Shakespeare says getting down from her chair and approaching Lexis.

"These... are pancakes?" He asks pointing to the ingredients.

Hera lightly slaps her chest twice.

"It's not been made yet," She says opening her eyes.

"Made? By whom?" Lexis asks.

"Me," Hera replies turning and walking over to where Shakespeare was now standing beside Lexis.

"Isn't your hand burnt?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

Shakespeare looks at her mums hand.

"Burnt not broken," Hera replies reaching out for the bowl which Lexis slides further away from her.

"Yes, but you shouldn't be doing this, not till your hands heal," He says.

Shakespeare nods silently standing in between both parties.

"Do you expect me to starve till my hands heal?" Hera asks.

Shakespeare looks at Lexis awaiting an answer.

"I never said so," Lexis says.

"Yet it's what you implied, or was translated," Hera answers.

"I said to wait till it's healed, order something," Lexis says.

"Do you realize what the time is? Nowhere delivering is open," Hera says not wanting to say she was saving what little she had and didn't want to spend.

"Plus the nurse said you shouldn't be working but you had your driver bring your work to you yet you don't see me stopping you do you?" Hera asks.

"Because I haven't actually worked," Lexis says.

"But you will," Hera replies.

"Yet I haven't," Lexis answers.

"Look I don't have time to argue with you, just give me the bowl," Hera says leaning in to reach for the bowl. Lexis moves it further away.

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