Final Thoughts

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"But in the end the love between the Princess and the boy was undeniable and true. And, over time that love would see them through anything. Magical things happened to them, things they couldn't explain, much like love its self. And, like most fairy tales the Princess and the boy lived happily ever after... at least I hope they do." -Jake One Tree Hill

Song: Dear no one - Tori Kelly

So we finally got to the end. I thought I'd feel relieved or differently but I just feel meh lol.

Not happy, not sad, just okay.

I always wanted the end to be the beginning,

"Mum Hera is having Sex"

But realized that won't fit the last chapter so I changed it to kissing.

I tried tying up as many lose ends as I could while leaving the rest to your imaginations.

Some of you may wonder why I didn't show their wedding? 

- I wanted to, believe me, but it would have elongated the book and 2 I don't think I would have done it justice.

Why didn't you show us Lexis and Nathan as friends and their relationship growing?

- That will take time, it's not automatic and right now we don't have the time to show that but it's been implied/inferred that they will work on their relationship.

Why didn't you show us how she met her mom, what they talked about etc.

- Like Lexis says sometimes silence speaks. In life you don't always know all the answers but there are certain times you know through inference like this that they'll be okay.

Why didn't you show them having sex or give us more kiss scenes?

- Like F.a.i.t.h I wanted to write this book without sex and the like. This was to be more about their growth, thoughts, trials and how they overcome that. The words were supposed to supersede the physical passion because when physical passion dies out all that's left are words. I wanted to show that even without the physical passion they still had a bond, a connection that exceeded physical attraction. I also wanted to let those out there wondering whether to write a book without smut that you don't need smut to have a good book. Hopefully, I succeeded.

What to expect:

Like most of my favorite Chinese authors who always release epilogues/specials days months and years after, I'll do the same for this. When ever in future I am in the mood for something Hexis related I'll post a special/epilogue here.

History: I'll tell you how this book came to be from the start to the end

Q&A : I'll be answering the questions you left in my Q&A chapter

I'll be off on a break to recharge for my next book

My next book will be released.

To everyone who was there from day 1, who joined along the way, who didn't give up on it or left and returned, I say THANK YOU.

Anyone who knows me knows I am very very picky with what I read. I remember reading book 1 sometime last year and thinking why on earth do they love this? I 'd have dumped it, but you didn't and for that I am grateful.

Thank you for sticking with my snarky, cynical, weird self.

I drop my pen in the basket of love


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