28. Contract Terms

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"Tennessee Williams once wrote; When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone." - Lucas Scott One Tree Hill

Song: Jar of hearts Christina Perri


"What?!" Hera says in disbelief.

"Surely you didn't burn your brain too did you?" Lexis asks.

"I don't want to be your Secretary!" Hera exclaims ignoring his snide.

"Why?" Lexis asks raising an eyebrow.

"Because..." I don't want to give myself on a golden platter to your family? Hera wants to say but stops herself quickly.

"Because you...you," She says looking for an excuse.

"You have a secretary," She finishes.

"I don't," Lexis says.

"Yes you do! You just spoke to her," Hera says adamantly.

"Maeve is my Personal Assistant, a right hand. Yes, she may have previously had to do some secretarial duties but why would I increase her workload when I can get an actual Secretary and have her do other things?" Lexis says.

"Because I don't want to be your Secretary," Hera answers.

"Why?" Lexis asks.

"Because that was not the agreement. I said to make sure I have a job not make me your Secretary!" Hera says frustrated.

"Exactly! You said to make sure you have a job, you never specified which," Lexis says.

"You're joking right?" Hera asks.

"I don't joke," Lexis says a serious expression on his face.

Hera runs her hands through her hair drawing in her lower lip with her teeth and releasing it.

"You clearly knew what I meant," She says.

"If you wanted that job you should have been more specific," Lexis says.

"I can't work for you," Hera says.

"You do realize I own Mixx right?" He says.

"Yes but I'm not your Secretary at Mixx," Hera replies.

"Fine," Lexis says turning to leave the room.

"Fine? Aren't you going to call back my workplace and make sure I still have my job?" Hera says.

"The terms of the agreement were that I make sure you still have a job, I did just that and you rejected the job, if you still want a job then take the one offered as I don't change contract terms once made," Lexis says without turning to face her.

"Does this mean I can leave or not?" The nurse asks interrupting them, tired of their back and forth.

"That's a question for her," Lexis says tilting his head to indicate he means Hera. He was not a fan of senseless arguments of which he was convinced this was considering what he was offering, neither was he going to plead with her to take the offer. He never pleaded for anything and this would not be a first.

"I can get another nurse, she's the one who really needs a job," Lexis says.

"Why are you doing this?" Hera asks baffled at why he was adamant on having her as a secretary.

"Because..." Lexis pauses as if debating his answer.

"Because we're friends," He finishes.

"Friends don't stab each other, they help one another," Hera says.

"Which is what I'm doing," Lexis replies.

"You call making me lose my job helping me?" Hera says in disbelief at his shamelessness.

"I helped you get a job that earns you not less than 100 thousand dollars in a month, has free healthcare for both you and your kid, will give you a car to help transport you and your kid around, give you the ability to pay your bills and not have to live under my roof." He says listing some of its benefits.

"A job which by the way you need a master's degree for but don't have even a college degree and yet you're being handed. Please explain to me in a way that makes sense how that's not helping you?" Lexis says boggled at how she could reject such an offer and think it was doing her more bad than good. Had her poverty made her stupid or did the burn really get to her brain?

Hera stays silent. It made sense he thought there was something wrong with her considering he had no recollection of their past or what would happen should his family especially Peter return and find her by his side.

From his perspective he probably thinks she's not in her right mind to reject such a good offer, who wouldn't without knowing their history but she knew it all too well. It was a great offer but considering what may happen if she took the offer she knew the risks outweighed the bad.

She just couldn't say so because explaining her reasoning will lead to the truth. Leaving the past in the past was what she'd decided to do and she had no intention of backtracking on that.

She sighs.

"Thank you," She says.

"You're welcome," Lexis says turning around to face her.

"I'll have Maeve send you the..." He starts but she cuts him short with,

"But I can't accept the offer,"

"What?" Lexis says believing he'd misheard.

"I'm truly grateful and I truly appreciate the offer but like you said I'm not qualified for it hence though I do see your goodwill, I'm afraid I'll have to... "Hera says but is interrupted by Shakespeare who flings the door open, a phone in her hand.

"Mummy it's auntie JJ," Shakespeare says running over to her mum.

"Excuse me," Hera says collecting the phone from Shakespeare.

Lexis walks out of the room, needing to be away from her, astonished at what had just happened and what he'd just done.

"The hell just happened?" He asks himself once outside.

          Meanwhile behind the doors to the room Hera looks at the confused nurse.

"If you don't mind, can you please watch her while I take this call after which you can show me how to do your duties and then leave?" Hera asks deciding to still help him.

"Sure," The nurse says happy to be able to leave regardless of whether the lady was accepting the man's offer or not.

She takes Shakespeare out of the room leaving Hera to her call.

"Hello? Sorry about that," Hera says.

"What's this I hear about your being in the room, behind closed doors with a man? Hera Reynolds are you cheating on Lexis?" Jess asks.

"I can't cheat on someone that's not mine, incase you forgot he has a fiancee, plus the man was Lexis," Hera says.

"OH MY GOODNESS!!!! You guys already had sex?!" Jess asks.

"No Jess did you even hear a word of what I just said?" Hera asks.

"Then what were you both doing in the room behind closed doors?" Jess asks skeptically.

"Talking," Hera says.

"Mhmm that's what she said," Jess says .

"Jess!!" Hera says.

Jess chuckles.

"Ok, I'll stop, so what happened? What were you talking about? Did you tell him everything, is that it?" Jess asks sounding excited.

"Yes and no," Hera answers.

"Yes and no?" Jess repeats confused.

Hera goes on to tell her everything that transpired and how she'd decided to refuse his job offer or rather cunning offer.

Happy Valentine's day in arrears. What did you do? I worked 😂.

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