Chapter 23: Sports Day

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Seulgi POV

"Eomma! I'm going to school!" I said, picking my backpack from the couch and walking out of the front door.

I kept walking until I reached my gate. I unlocked it and walked passed, closing the door behind me. "Seul!"

I look up from my phone, "Yah Jimin! I finally got ready before you!"

"What a accomplishment!" He shouted, walking towards me

"I know right?" I said, smiling

We both started walking together, also cracking jokes. "Did you wake up late or something?" 

"Oh yeah, I had to find my clothes for PE today" Jimin says

"Oh shit! We have PE today?" I asked


"Oh, no worries then. I think I have extra sports clothes in my locker" 


I changed into my sports clothes and I started walking from the corridor to all the way to the field. A few minutes passed and I heard Wendy and Yeri walking behind me.

"Unnie!" Yeri said

I turn around, "Hey"

They finally caught up with me and both of them were on each side of me.

"I really hate PE" Yeri whined

"It's not our fault that you chose this class" I said

We reached the field, where everyone else was at. I swear, there's more girl and guy students here this year. I guess guys are only here to check out girls or something like that. 

But for me on the other hand, I love sports. I'm also competitive when it comes to my favorite things. So this works out too!

"Change in plans, we are going to the gym" The coach said

Students grumbled and started walking to the gym. 

Finally we reached the gym. Everyone is already tired. Like the sport didn't even start yet and people are already tired?

Students put their bags onto the side where all the seats were. I looked up from placing my bag onto the floor, revealing Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung across from us.

"Okay class, there was misconception back at the field, so we are going to play dodgeball" The coach said

Some students grumbled and some were happy. 

"Yes!" I said

There's two teams now and everyone got split into groups. "Okay so now pick your captain"

No one wanted to be the captain so I raised my hand and walked up, standing infront of my team. "I will"

I noticed that Jimin and Jungkook were in the same team as me and Wendy. While Taehyung and Yeri was on the other team.

"Alright Seulgi will... And for this team?" The coach asked, pointing to the other team

The other team muttered to each other. "I will" students grumbled until Jaebum walked past the crowd.

"Oh fuck... Waeyo??" I whispered 

Both teams were in position waiting for the coach to cue the game.

Alright Seulgi... The aim of the game... Just don't get hit by the ball.

While the coach was talking on the phone, I decided to take matters in my own hands and talk trash to the opposite team. There was no purpose for it, but I always saw it in movies and I wanted to try it out.

"You guys are going down... Down town!" I said 

Jaebum smirked, "I doubt it... I'm actually good at dodgeball"

"I'm too, I'm actually better at everything. Including sports" I said

Finally the game started and everyone was throwing their balls so fast and quick. I tried to not get hit by the ball. After, I would catch the ball and throw it back. In the corner of my eye, I could see students on my team getting hit and leaving.

"Unnie, please go easy on me!" Yeri said

"Hell no! Mama's here to win!" I shouted, throwing the ball towards Yeri while one it got to her, she got hit

She was then out and walked out. I then turned around and noticed Jimin and Jungkook sitting on the bench which was on the side.

People on my team were cheering me on which somewhat built more confident. 

I turned my head towards Jungkook and Jimin who were giving me a thumbs up. Once I turned my head around, I heard someone shouting,

"Seulgi! Watch out!"

Once I fully turned around my head, I saw the ball coming towards me. My eyes widen as the ball got closer to me. The ball the hit me on the head, leaving me to collapse onto the floor. My eyes started to close and blacken out as the last thing I saw was people crowding me.

Jimin POV

"Seulgi!" I shouted, "Watch out!"

She then turned fully around and saw the ball coming towards her. She then collapsed onto the floor. Wendy who was currently still in the game ran towards her, "Seul!"

Then me, Jungkook, and Yeri ran towards Seulgi. Everyone was crowding her until the coach came towards her. "Who threw the ball?"

Of course no one wanted to put on blame so they kept slient.

"Coach, I'll bring Seulgi ah to the nurse's room" I offered

"Okay, thank you" the coach said

I then picked up Seulgi, like bridal style. Once I passed Jaebum, he just stared at me. I kept walking until I reached to the nurse's office.

We eventually got there and I placed Seulgi ah on the bed. "Oh hello"

"Annyeonghaseyo" I said

"Did something happen?" The nurse asked

I nodded, "We were playing dodgeball and someone hit her head" 

"What's her name?" She asks

"Kang Seulgi" I said

"Alright" She said, almost leaving the room

"Can I stay here to make sure she will be alright?" I asked

"Mwo? Don't you have class?" She asks

"Ani, it's like a free period" I said

The nurse nodded and walk out of the room.

Seulgi POV

I woke up looking around the room. Why am I in the nurse's office?

I turn my head and I was surprised to see Jimin ah sitting down on the side, of course sleeping.

"Yah Park Jimin!!" I shouted, whacking his head

He then woke up from me shouting. "Oh, you're alright! I was so worried!"

I laughed, "Sure... Anyways, who long have I been here for? And weren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Like two hours. I asked the nurse if I could stay" Jimin says

The nurse then walked in. "Oh, you're awake. Go to class now"

Me and Jimin then bowed and left the nurse's office.

"Do you know who hit you in the head?" Jimin asks

"Aniyo... It was a blur" I said

1,024 words! Wow! That's the most I ever wrote!

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