Chapter-3 Why scared?

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Chapter-3 Why scared?

Continued on Harry's POV

"Well, I came here to get some party." She smiled, walking towards us. The clicking of her heels, scared us more. Why are we feeling like this? Aren't we suppose to kill her right at that spot? She smiled at Richard, but grabbed his collar, taking him by surprise. Richard's head. "O-oh, s-so you're Evan's people, huh? You are dumb bitch to be h-here." Richard stuttered. "No one ever complemented me like that." She frowned playfully, before pulling Richard out of the table. She shove, Liam away, almost making him, fall back on me. I wanted to glare at him, but, of course, we hold on him. "Well, boys, enjoy the show, I just need to teach this bastard, a lesson." She announced, before lifting her knee up to get it in contact with Richard's guts. He stumbled to the ground, eyes squeezed closed in pain, hands around his stomach.

The talented girl, pulled him up throwing him, a side punch, which made him, to spit blood. Ew, disgusting. "Who the fuck, do you think you are, torturing girls?" She shouted, her voice full of rage, as she continued to throw punch. Man! She is one strong girl. Richard, had cuts and bruises all over his face, as he struggled to get out of her grip. "Uh, Rose, I think he had enough." Another soft voice called out from the door. A girl with a nervous expression stood there. Is she a fighter too? Hey, wait a minute, how come Rose, can be a name of such a tigress like the girl, that holding Richard? Werid. She's supposed to be a girl, all shy and lives under a richy house... "I need to kill, him." Rose, spit out. "I-I also think, it's enough. He's already unconscious." Liam, said, struggling with his words. Rose snap her head at Liam, a smirk curved in her face. Uh oh. This may not be good. "Alright" Rose replied, dropping Richard to the ground. "I was pissed at the prostitution business he's running, and, hopefully there won't be any in the future, as for his appearance now." Rose chuckled, brushing her hands, cleaning her dress from the invisible dirts. "You must be here, for Mr. Evans money, am I right?" Liam spoke. "Yes, do you know where it is?" Rose smiled, dropping the gun, to the ground. Rose, 'accidentally' steps on Richard's guts, getting pass him. Unfortunately, he was not dead, as he groan.

"I assume, it's in one of this drawers, of the table" Liam answered, trying to get his bold voice, back. "Diasy, would you mind doing, me a favour, of getting in the money? You see, my hands are a bit bloody. Rose laughed, standing in a modeling pose, showing her bruised hands. The girl, who was still standing at the doorway, beams, as she rushes towards the table, stepping on the lifeless bodies, without any emotion. She peeked, in every drawers, trying to find the money. "Y-You g-girls are s-sisters?" Niall, was the first to speak up, among us. To that, the girls started to laugh, leaving us confused. "Well, is there anything unfamiliar about us? Of course, we are!" Rose, grinned, as her sister was engaged, in a game of 'Finding Treasures'. "Sis, I think I got a box?" Diasy, pulled out a business-like briefcase. "And.. it's a briefcase full of money!" Rose's face lighten up, in a amused expression, in her face, at her sister's words. "It's worth Uncle's drugs,. Richard had been stealing them for along time." Rose said. "Uncle?" Liam asked, raising a eyebrow. "Well, Mr. Evans is our uncle." Daisy replied, offering a sweet smile. "And we are his 'rescue gang', Rose said, gesturing the last two words, with her fingers, showing off her red-pianted nails. We didn't move for a long time, and still was holding on Liam. I don't know, why is this fucking awkward fear, is pulling us off of this, girls. It's like, Rose is having a freezing force in us. If it was any other girls. Especially Rose. I mean, she's hot, and with those curves, any man who be dying to get in bed with her.

"Why, boys, we didn't get to introduce ourselves properly?" Suddenly, Rose said, pulling out a seductive smile. If this is to turn me on, than it's working fucking good. I can feel something move in my jeans. "I'm Rose Evans. Commonly, known as Catwoman." Rose, praised herself, stating it like a matter-of-fact. Now, I could see why she was called a Catwoman. Her moves are a lot similiar to the character, even she looked more like a clever cat burglar. Really hot burglar, I mean. "And, this is my sister, Daisy Evans." She introduce us, to her sister, who sent us, a small wave. "We usually work together to have some fun." Rose said, gesturing to a groaning Richard on the ground. Oh, I forgot that, he was, there, too. "I'm Liam Payne, and this is my lads." Liam surprisingly, introduce himself to the girls. He would never, get his introduction to 'unknowns' . But, this time, probably because of the fear, that Rose, would, get us in a 'Richard situation' " I'm Niall Horan." Firstly, niall was the one to introduced, while the girls, nod at us. "Zayn Malik" "Louis Tomlinson" "Harry. Harry Styles". I was the last to say, my name, while the girls continued to nod and smile. "We are also, in dealing drugs. We offer our supply, at available prices." Liam explained. "Oh, that's nice." The complement of Rose, somehow make, Liam smile. We were in a 'poker face' expressions, all through this time.

Rose's POV

I forced myself to be neutral, but something about that curly-haired boy, made me feel weird. I feel... weak. I tried not to show that, and successfully, done my, mission, due to the impulsive anger towards Richard. This guys, look like highschool, snappy boys, with a Richy Rich family background. But, it seems, opposite. Liam, who must be the boss, looked more like a kiddo, and was, trying hard, to be bold. But, to the expression of his face, it's seem, he would pass out, in any second, of fear. Same, goes to the other boys. Perhaps, that what, made me, much stronger. Though, I always, lock in the monster, that wants to burst out, of inside me. "Rose! Daisy!" Mmm. Jack. Daisy, smiled at Jack, her filled, with joy. "Jack!" She squealed, running in Jack's arms. Woah, I didn't know she liked him, that much. The poor, boy, Jack was surprised, but grab Daisy, and, spin her around, while the other men, stood by the doorway. Ah, behold my Uncle's spectacular men! Always, late for work. "Late, boys. Really late." I muttered, as I hand over the briefcase, to one of them. Oh don't worry, they wouldn't do anything, stupid, because, they are smart, enough, to know that, I'll catch them. "Okay, lovebirds. Time to go." Daisy giggled, to my words, as Jack took, her away, with the other men. "And boys." I cooed, as I seductively called, trying to have some fun, as I clicked my heels, walking closer towards them. Geez, they are literally white, I hope they don't pee in their pants. I placed a finger at the temple of Liam, tracing it down to his chin. "We will meet again, Liam. Soon." I whispered, as I could sense his, ears go red. I winked at him, smiling at the rest of the blushed up boys. Awwww, so cute! I plucker my lips forward, in a kiss, to Harry, whose eyes got widen at my action. I laughed to myself, walking out of the room.

I almost drop down at the sight beside my car. What the hell?



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