Part 5: Tha Brrom Getts Convikteed Off Murda Whule Stryking Buck

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Tha briscoes off the brom neered her fase, und she shreeked as thay startid 2 stabb here repeediddly in thee I. The (sand)witch cakilled, butt den stoped az tha brrom suddinlee sloowd dun and turmed agehnst tha which.
"NOPE!" Shay cryed az the broom-broom hit hear hear, des Troy in her mullit, "NOPE NOPE NOPETY NOPE!"
Da briim stoppd.
Ownly 2 pic upp a botel off tomate source inbeetwen its Brussels and scwurt it in2 her ey.
Broken dowwn into tiers, tha wich ran of, cluching her fuce, witch looked lyke it wuz bledding becos of tha sorcerer on it.
"HAY!" Jukia looced towords tha dyerection tha voise wuz cumimg frum. She sore a howrse iN a pole-lease costtuume hedding towirds her, holeding his hed hi in thee heir. Hee woz wearen a badger that sed "Hello, my name is Susan-kun!"

Wif a smily fase on it. Juwia loocked a round. She did nut c enny hay. Tipakill, she thwart. Howrses where alwayz haloosinating hay deez dayz.
"Wat happind hare?!" He aksed, und theen she realeyesed thut he wuz torking to her und tha brrrrrom abutt tha saucy witch.
" Et wuz all him!" She blurrtid owt in a panicc, than ammediately felt gilty abowt asshuming its genduh.
Betraed, the brooom spunn arowned 2 phace her, a look off purr furry etched ontoo its fase that et hud just sprowted in that moomint.
Instentlee baleeving her, the horce grubbed tha broomz showlda and tuld him "u r bean arested 4 a salt & a-tented manslorter."
Alltho she new that tha brom HAD bene tryen to kil tha witch, julien still falt baaad 4 getten it into trubel.
Und az that rane startid 2 forl, und tha brom wuz ledd away frum juyia, tha tr8a, with its shoalders saggin', she coodent halp butt think buck to here own preeveeiss xpeereeincis conserning beetrayall.
In here case, it wuz gees. Butt in that brroms case...
She suppozed...
HOOMAN beetrayil, iz that wurst beetrayal.

(Only if u wont too.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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