About the characters

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Nickname: Rain/Rainbow

Gem: Rainbow Sapphire


Race: Hybrid of a Sapphire and Elemental

Pronoun: he and him

Weapon: Parasol and a focus orb given to him by Strawberry to help control his power

Alignment: good

About the parents:
Rainbow Sapphire is a Gem/Elemental hybrid. Elementals live very long lives but with those long lives they have flaws, after mating they loose their imortality and die six years after turning in to a ball of energy and blessed to their children. RS's dad traveled to earth on a mission to fight the gems and take prisoners back to his home planet. He soon found a weak looking gem and took her prisoner but soon feel in love with her beauty and the two fled. The two married and lived together for a long while, but sapphire wanted a child and neither knew the other would pass on if they were successfully. The elemental lived for six years after the baby was born and sapphire eventually gave birth in a cave and vanished. Six years later, the elemental left to get food and never came back leaving sapphire alone in the cave for days. Only for him to be found by Strawberry who took him in as her own. Also only other person who can hear Emerald's telepathic waves which helps link him to strawberry on a mental level.

Powers: dad was an elemental and that's where his elemental powers come from and from his mom life giving powers and construction (being able to make anything he put his mind to with simple materials) which is why he can create golems and bring them to life. Sapphire also had the power to remember everything that she has seen or heard helping her son know both his parents better.

Skills:hand to hand combat

Nickname: berry/ Strawberry

Gem: Strawberry Quartz Emerald

Age: 25 (Human age) 5000 gem
Race: permanent Gem fusion

Pronoun: she/her

Weapon: Universal seed (Drops seed in ground and grows in to what she needs.)

Alignment: Good

Background: Strawberry quartz emearld is a nature gem.
She is Almost fusion, during the war her gem was cracked and scared that she would lose herself so she picked up a gemshard and planted it in her crack (then with healing gel got healed so it would stay there...) After healing her gem she started to change, parts of her turned green and she began to hear a voice in her head(she also grew and eye on her neck so the shard could see) being that she fused with a shard she didn't take a full on fusion.

Powers: Her powers allow her to grow plants from any type plants. although she has gem powers she prefers to grow her stuff herself. She Also has the ability to give plants life and talk to creatures (animals, plant creatures, and coruptted gems that have passed far beyond normal speech.) Also able to summon Emeralds partial form temporarily (for ten minutes three times a day but with special training she hopes to beat the odds)

Skills: hand to hand combat. And a warning system built into her gem (aka Emerald) who warns her of danger.

Nickname: Emily/ Emmy

Gem: Emearld shard

Age: Doesn't remember

Race: Gem (also the voice in strawberry's head)

Pronoun: she/her

Weapon: her eye which can shoot beams of light. (harmless more of a distraction and flashlight)

Alignment: good

Background: Emerald was a weak gem who never wanted to fight in the war, she was sent to the planet to terraform it to suit gems but couldn't go through with it. She was shattered and her shards were taken and sent to be reused, all othe them but one. The left over shard held her conscience in it and was later found by strawberry.

Powers: healing beams, telepathy, telekinesis, and can shoot harmless light beams to light the dark or distract.

Skills: Upon agreement can take over strawberry's body temporary.

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