Valentine's Day

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A few days have passed since tooth has shown her face and beach city was awaken to an unwelcomed guest causing unwanted trouble. There was comething about today that seemed odd. For starters, the chickens were kissing the turtle's shell as he slept. Second, there was an unusual vibe in the air, something that seem unnatural. Could it be love? But Valentine's day was a few days ago. Something was wrong and Rainbow was determined to find out what.

"Hey Strawberry im heading into town do you need anything?" Strawberry poked her head out the window and replied. "Maybe some new seeds, but you are gonna have a hard time getting there from here." Strawberry replies with a bit of a tude. "What do you mean, the waters seem fine." Sapphire replied. "Your stupid turtle attacked it yesterday when the chickens were hiding in it. That reminds me, no more pets." Strawberry said as she closed the window.

"That's okay, this is a good time to test my ice orbs, I can freeze a path to beach city. I wish we didnt have to turn in any magical items we found into the Crystal gems. we could sure use some of them in our fights, but nooooooooo *mocks Pearl* Yall are not ready or secure enough to keep magical items, and y'all lack the training. Oh training my butt, she just doesn't trust us." Sapphire uttered to himself. Then began to toss the orbs and ran across the ice.

Upon arrival a love struck Lars was caught chasing poor Amber across the beach. "AHHHHHH, leave me alone!!!!" *Slap* Amber screamed before slapping Lars. "Hey leave them alone, they obviously don't feel the same." Sapphire told the love struck boy before tripping him. "Hey You, run before he gets up." Sapphire yelled. "Right!!" Amber replied as they began running. (" That was weird, I thought Lars and Sadie were engaged, why is he after that human all of a sudden. I should probably go find out what is going on.") Sapphire thought to himself before helping Lars to his feet, noticing and odd arrow wedged in his back.  *pluck* sapphire pulled the arrow out Lars' back.

"Where am, I why am I on the beach, last I remember me and Sadie were walking to the arcade and a boy with small wings shot me in the back and now I'm here." Lars said in confusion. Sapphire put the arrow in his pocket and then waved bye to lars. While running sapphire noticed his rival Christian following Sour Cream like a lost puppy. "Hey, he must have been shot also, but I kind of like him better this way. Maybe I will leave him for now." Sapphire th out aloud then giggled. *Zoom* a small being zoomed past sapphire at a really fast speed. " that must be him." Sapphire yelled as he started to chase the boy. "I know I have to have an element for this, um um um. Earth maybe? No he could just fly over it, lightening should work to stop him, but I never used that power before it could end badly. Wait, ice. I've prettyuch mastered it. If I could hit his wings I should be able to stop him." Sapphire thought aloud. Sapphire created an ice orb and chunked it at the winged fellow, but missed hitting Michelle in the back.

"H.h.he.he.hey! That was cold, who threw that." Michelle summoned her bat and surround it is electricity. "Hey kid I see you, did you do that." Michelle asked. "Yes, I'm really sorry.  I was trying to catch that odd fellow with the wings but he was too fast, maybe your electric power can stun him." Sapphire replied
"Yeah, and what do I get out of it? I'm a busy gem, sent here to go to school, not chase after some over grown fairy." Michelle said with a snarky attitude. *skiiiiidddd* "excuse me? My name is Cupid, not over grown fairy. How bout you try some of this." Cupid said as he drew his bow. *ping* Sapphire quickly pushed Michelle out the way. "Ice!!" Sapphire yelled before freezing Cupids feet to the ground. "Well I guess I didn't need your help after all, and now you owe me one." Sapphire said while pulling one eyelid down and sticking his tongue out. *Ughhhh" Michelle grunted as she stormed off.

Cupid began to squirm, trying to break free. "Let me go!!!! Ahhh" Cupid said as he began to shoot arrows rapidly in every direction. "Funny thing about my arrows, they don't only enforce love."  Sapphire began to look confused?  "What's a Cupid? And what's this about forcing love?" Sapphire asked. "Ahhhh, I'm A Cupid, me! Me! Me! Probably the last of my kind, and the more people stop believing, the more my race vanishes. But I don't have to explain myself to you. ATTACK!!! Cupid called out, then all of a sudden a load of people began to surround Sapphire, including his rival, Christian. "I'm not gonna fight you all but, I'm not gonna just let you attack me. WIND!" Sapphire summoned a wind orb blowing every one off him. Then a faint voice in his head played "you don't hurt humans." From his teacher Garnet "Well it's not like she will find out", Sapphire said as he charged at Cupid stealing his bow. "Shut them off and talk to me, or I break your special bow." Sapphire commanded Cupid looked around then commanded the people to back off.

"First you are gonna take all the arrows out of these people, except him, I'll do him myself( sapphire said while pointing at Christian) then you are gonna follow me back to my place for some pizza." Sapphire commanded. Cupid agreed and the two began to pluck all the arrows out ending with Christian. "Dont touch me you weirdo, I don't know where you filthy mutt hands have been." Christian said with an attitude. "Well if you are gonna act like a stuck up brat, I can stick this back in you." Sapphire said with a dirty look Christian growled and ran off. "Let's grab a pizza then head back." Sapphire asked.

Back on Strawberry's island Cupid and Sapphire removed the last of the arrows from the chickens and sat down to talk. "Hey  Sapphire who is your friend here?" Strawberry asked. "He's Cupid." Sapphire replid. "What's a cupid?" Strawberry asked. Cupid growled at Strawberry's remark. Strawberry Chuckled and went inside. "So you were saying?" Strawberry asked. "Well I started doing this because when people stop believing in my race we seem to cease to exist. But because I'm only half Cupid and half harpy, my dad mistook a harpy for a fellow cupid. I won't vanish, but I will be all alone. So I came here to force people to beileve, but because of you I may have failed." Cupid said then bit his slice of pizza. "Why didn't you just go to a new station, use your magic then request to tell your story on live t.v." Sapphire asked. "I didn't think of that at the time I was to worried, but maybe that will work. Cupid replied. "Well until then why don't you stay here and join us, you can even go to school with me. There is a bully named Christian there, but you can just shoot him in the butt cheek with one of your arrows and he won't be a problem anymore. Just be careful with the teachers Amethyst is great, Pearl is snobby and always wants things perfect and Garnet is really strict but a great teacher. They use to be called The Crystal Gems, but after their kid started a school for training, they became more laid back." Sapphire went on with. "I'd love to stay here,but I must be alone for a while." Cupid said. "Strawberry can grow you a house if you want in th far part in side a tree and I could control the earth to make a wall." Sapphire suggested. "Fine I'll agree to that, but what's a gem?" Cupid asked. Sapphire giggled and began to explain.

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