Who we were.

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Black pearl gets up and greatfully thanks Rainbow for saving him, and apologizes to the two for being so hostile. "I'm pearl 14k9 and I was made for Black Diamond, is he around here somewhere?" The new gem asked. Rainbow removed the bondage and Strawberry took the lead. "Hi I'm strawberry and unfortunately Black Diamond has been gone for a long while, last I heard, he and his pearl were scheduled for a meeting with the top Diamonds but never came back." Pearls eyes grew big and angry, "but I'm his pearl?, I took a 5 year class on how to perfectly serve a diamond, passed all my test and was promised I would be given to black himself, How could he have replaced me without even giving me a chance. The last thing I remember was , me and my ruby were beginning to go meet with my diamond but , but we were stopped by a really big Topaz and an Aquamarine, they told us that I had a mission to do before I was able to meet my diamond." Rainbow looked at Pearl with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry you are finding out like this, how about we talk about our life stories to help us get an idea of who we are. But first I need you to meet our friend Cupid." Rainbow said as he opened the window to call for Cupid. Cupid shot an arrow with a rejection letter, stating that he has better things to do today. "Well maybe another day." Rainbow stated.

Everyone sat down and Rainbow began to ask someone to go first, but before he could finish asking he noticed a weird rock attached to the star shaped Pearl, on pearl's hand. " what's that stuck to your gem?" Rainbow asked. Pearl picked off the Red rock stuck in his gem by some amber colored sticky substance and in a surprised reaction yelled, " OH MY GEM, it's ruby I can't believe you are here, I'm glad I'm no longer alone here." Rainbow and Strawberry with a confused expression looked at each other and Strawberry asked, " why is Ruby's gem so small? Back when I lived on homeworld we would shatter deformed gems, gems that were too small, gems that came out funny looking, gems that were brittle, gems that were born out of character, sometimes gems with odd colors, and most of all , gems that went against the diamonds. So what happen in the past 5000 years? "

Pearl looked at ruby's gem and smiled, "well it all started after pink diamond began her colony on earth. she realized how much one should value life, she developed feelings for all the gems her and her family of diamonds destroyed and had an idea, an option that helped both damaged gems and perfect gems. Pink held a meeting and brought in a tiny bismuth who she had been hiding to the court one day, and proposed the idea of using these misformed gems to help the gems who were born right, at first the court didn't understand how they would be useful, what could a deformed gem do to help anyone?, but then pink explained that the gems would perform better if they had a little personal support and the Diamonds ate it up, opened up all kinds of shops around homeworld. There were shops for tiny gems, shops for worker gems, even shops that gave the damaged gems jobs. I was on one of my runs one day when I found Ruby. Ruby was something special, she was never adopted because she was bicolored, smarter than the average ruby , and small which meant she had three problems and because of that no one wanted her, but to me she was perfect. "

Strawberry smiled and asked pearl to talk more about the mission. Pearl began, "From there she was with me at all times she even helped me pass Pearl class. I never saw Ruby as a pet, she was my friend, when we got that mission we ended up on Earth actually, it was supposed to be an in and out mission but it wasnt. We ended up in a town where Gems were doing experiments on the human population with the native bees,wasp,yellow jackets and Ants , splicing their DNA together in hopes that they would get a huge hivemind and want to follow orders but they made the mistake of giving them a little to much Bug DNA, all the humans transformed into human bug hybrids, but they needed a queen so they forced a poor rebel Lapis into splicing her gem with a queen bee in hopes that she would help, but we're they wrong.

We were told that our mission was to collect honey for the great bath and were not told about the enemy until after we entered their territory. There was honey everywhere, I thought it was gonna be easy that we would get the honey take it to the diamonds and I would meet Black Diamond, but ruby felt something off, she kept saying she could feel someone wasn't happy, that they felt threatened but I kept reassuring her we were fine, we collected a good bit of honey and topaz and Aqua took it to the ship, I walked a little more only stopping when I found what looked like a long broken spear with honey dripping out the tip, I thought it was weird but cool so when I felt our mission leaders couldn't see me, I stored it in my gem to study it later. Ruby yelped "IT'S HERE!" but before we could really react we were surrounded. There were enemies below us, they were around us , even above us, but the scary thing was The Lapis hovering in front of us. Wings made of honey, her skin was blue with orange markings, her eyes full of hate. "Why have you come to the Hive?" Lapis question. I moved in front of Ruby and answered " We were sent to gather honey! " Lapis moved in closer "No one shall steal from us, guards attack!"

For someone so small I watched as ruby jumped into action she defended me from the bug people, taking down a few before getting poofed, I realized she was way more than my friend she was my family and I would not let it end like this, so I took battle, I grabbed Ruby's gem and started to make my way to Lapis but before I could could rush in, I saw a blue light shoot through me, followed by "Sorry I was late, I have taken care of your problem, this will send a message to the Diamonds for you." I saw the shadow of what looked like Aquamarine, then poof! I was forming in what ever this place is called.

Strawberry and Rainbow followed with their stories and welcomed Pearl and Ruby to stay with them on the island.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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