A dark power.

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The sky was sunny and blue, with veryu few clouds, the smell of smoke still lingered in the air from the previous day. Strawberry was outside yelling at turtle the roll in a straight line not in swiggles. Strawberry decided Turtle's spikes were great for poking holes in the ground, if they would just listen to her. "The blasted chickens listen better than you and most of them don't even have ears, if you are gonna live here you have to do something to contribute!!!" She yelled before noticing Cupid was looking at her. " how was your first day working the garden stand, get a lot of customers?" Strawberry asked. "No but after I shot a few of them with my arrows they were all over your stand buying everything, some lady even gave me her baby for your tomatoes" Cupid replied with a smile while holding the scared child. " return it now!!!!!!!!! And stop cheating, no more arrows, my stand is for honest work only!" Strawberry yelled.

Rainbow ran outside wearing a white jacket and a blue bookbag, ready to tell strawberry he was heading to beach city to hang with Steven. "Hey Cupid! Hey turtle, you better be listening you big ole good boy." Rainbow hugged strawberry and left. Steven awaited Rainbow at the pier, holding a gem newspaper that read "Stop rebel gems in their tracks, with new and improved destabilizers." Rainbow jumped off the boat and tied the back to a post. "Hey what should we do today?" Rainbow asked. Steven look at the gem temple and back at Rainbow, Steven grabbed Rainbow's hand and dragged him up the hill. "I wanna show you the bubbled gem room, but you have to be quiet, no one is allowed down here because it is dangerous." Rainbow stopped and pulled Steven, "if no one is allowed down here then why bring me?"

Steven pulled harder, pulling the two into the room  "I want to show you our most prized possession, armor, forged for pink diamond herself. After the war here on earth she was shattered, leaving nothing behind but her armor and shattered remains, which we also have bubbled." Rainbow pulled back and covered his eyes, " I shouldn't be down here, what if we get caught, Garnet and pearl scare me, what if I have seen to much?" Steven laughed and pulled Rainbow further into the temple. A bubble, holding gem shards sat next to a strong set of armor, the shards looked a little off but who was Rainbow to judge his gem wasn't that much perfect either.

"WOW this was pink diamond!?!?, I wonder if my mom knew her, I wonder what kind of gem she was." Rainbow said as he touched the armor. Suddenly Rainbow paused and a memory flashed in his head, a memory of pink diamond sneaking out of the diamond temple flashed in his head, along with memories of another gem, a Rose Quartz. When the vision cleared, Rainbow awoke to Steven shaking him to see if he was fine. "Hey Steven, I saw a Rose Quartz wea-" "Hey! who is down here, don't tell me another gem got freed, come out come where ever you are, I have a nice bubble waiting for you." Pearl said as her gem glowed to act as a light. Steven pushed Rainbow not noticing the gem behind him. "Ahh please don't bubble me, it's me pearl!" Steven said with a smile. Pearl grabbed him in a hug. "you know you're not allowed down her after last time!!! What if you let out another big monster to terrorize the temple. Maybe I should bubble you to help keep you out of trouble ." Rainbow bumped into a bubble not noticing it popped and the gem falling in his book bag.

"Hey don't leave me here I don't want to be alone if a monster comes out!" Rainbow begged shocking pearl who didn't know he was there too. "Steven, I told you to stop bringing people down here, it's not safe, come along Rainbow, your keeper would not be happy if you got attacked while here." Rainbow glared at Pearl, and asked. " you mean my mom?" Pearl in an overly apologetic tone replied with "yes , I'm sorry I addressed her like that, it's just hard to understand organic culture, but let's get you home, I have some talking to do with Steven. Pearl lead the two out the temple and to the beach where she and Steven waved goodbye to Rainbow.

As Rainbow docked on his island his bag began to shake as if it were alive, Rainbow shook his bag out to find a black gem, kinda star shaped with a dent in it. The gem levitated out off the ground and began to form. " oh no, a gem monster!! I must alert Steven" as Rainbow pulled out his phone, a dark colored grey hand grabbed him. " please, where am I? I must report to my duties, my diamond will not be happy." Rainbow turned around to find a short , bulky Pearl with black eyes with red pupils looking back at him. "Where are all the other Pearls at, did they all leave me behind?this is a strange place for a kindergarten, you look a little strange for a Pearl ." Pearl asked? Sapphire looked at the gem and loudly yelled "Strawberry!!!!!"

Strawberry rushed in the room, rose blade in hand with three Cactus soldiers waiting for her command. "What's wrong? Who's that? Why does he have that symbol on his chest? He can't be black diamonds, Black diamond vanished a few thousand years ago, where did you come from." The scared new gem screeched, causing a portal to open under Strawberry's soldiers feet sending them back outside. He clapped his hands causing a random spurge of pressure to fall upon Strawberry, forcing her to fall to the ground. Rainbow charged at the gem grabbing his hands and using a binding mixture of ice and rock and hold the gems hands together. Strawberry got up and began to stab the Pearl with her rose blade but Rainbow jumped in the way stopping her. " let's talk it out first.

The adventures of Strawberry Quartz Emerald and  Rainbow Sapphire Where stories live. Discover now