Chapter 3 : First Task

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We were walking since now many houres. Our legs couldn't have enough energy to continue. We had to stop. So we sat on a peaceful corner, breathing for all the air we could.

"Arf... Arf... So, I asked, panting, How many time we have to arrive to the Kingdom?

- Well, since I know a lot of shorcuts, let's say that we could arrive before... Hmm, surely 8 PM." Alfa replied as he looked at his pocket watch.

It's actually 9 AM, as he says. Many time left... We finally arrived to his "First step" as he always calls it... What is it's name? Oh yes. The Apple forest.

"Hmm.. I'm so hungry.." I thought as I heard my stomach growling and roaring like a lion.
"Ah, I almost forgot you're a human. Alright. Give me a second. There are surely good apples for you to eat." He told me as he looked at the trees. He climbed to them, while I was lifting myself backward and lay on the floor, looking at the roof.
I noticed such beautiful things on it, such as decorations. Like, stars, blue sky, white clouds... And...

"Hiiiik! There's a spider over there!" I shouted, just like a little girl as I stood up fastly.

"Spider? Where?!" He let go of the branches, as he pulled out his... needle. But as he told me, it was his sword. Oh well...

The spider climbed down of it web, and land it giant members on the floor. I was thinking that I was screwd out, as the spider noticed me as it's next meal. It came closer to me, I stepped back till I could feel there's no floor. I was sure to fall if I step back again. Urgh. A dead end. Seems like it's over for me...

"Kassie! Watch out, there's gonna be a spider fall very soon! Jump out of here!" Alfa talked to me as he was on the opposite side of the spider. I could hear that he plunged his needle in the spider. It screamed loudly, I'm not sure the biggest giant couldn't hear it from here.

"Oh oh... Got it!" I jumped on the left side, as the spider fell foward first, then it falls right at the pit between us and the window. It was empty...

"Pfew... That was close... Oh no, our meal!" He sighed of dissappointement as he pulled back his needle.
"Oh. That doesn't matter now... Are you alright, Kassie? It was so close, I was worried for you..." He asked me as he showed his hand as help.
"I... I'm fine. I guess." I stood up with his help. I was so much thankfull. I thanked him because he saved my life. This is better than less. Suddenly, he gave me an apple and said:

"Eat, you'll need it.

- And what about you, I replied to him as I took the apple and nom in it, aren't you hungry too?

- Well, let's say that my appetite is not... Common, than yours, humans. I eat less so I'm sure to be able to walk." Alfa replied as he chuckled, while I was eating my apple.

Few moments later, we were about to lead our way to the next destination.

"Alright. Where are we going this time?

- To the big hall. We just need to pass a slide, and we'll be done here. Carefull over there, there will be a lot of wind." Alfa said as he stretched.

And for now, we need to go to the Kingdom, and quickly. As we arrived to the slide, a voice stopped us.

"You shall not pass!" it said as it came to us by surprise.

To be continued...

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