Chapter 9 : The Rainbow race

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"So. Are we arriving yet?" I asked him as we were walking.
"In not too long. At this rate, if we continue, we will arrive before night time. Now we better try and hurry. Shall we?" He replied while he was stopping.

I stopped too, wondering why he does this suddenly. I looked at him, then all around, see if there was no one around us. I then whisphered to him:

"We should hide and quick.

- Not too fast. I think this is an ally... Belindra? I know it's you. You can come here.

- B-Belindra? What in-"

A big yip of joy could be heard. Alfa pointed me his right side. I looked at it, then saw a shadow dashing towards us. I gasped at first, but then, when it stopped right foward us, I sighed in delight.
Foward us was a woman. She had long and messy ginger hair with brown eyes... May I say, a brown eye. Her left eye was hidden by an eyepatch. Her hair was a total mess with her untidy clothes: A white tank top and brown pants. It somehow made me think of Alfa's uniform, which was bronze/brown as well with a touch of ivory.
She was holding a hammer behind her back, nearly touching the floor with her black boots. She placed her hand against her tight, then the other did a hi-five with Alfa. She told him:

"Oi, Al! Lon' time no see, 'ight?

- Yeah. Nice to see you back, Bel. But there's no time to waste. Let me first introduce you my partener; Kassie. She's here with me because she needs to meet the KinG.

- Haha, int'restting. Nice to meet ya, Kas'!"

She smirks at me then shook my hand for a handshake. I noticed her dirty hand shaking mine, cringing internally. But I still forced a smile on my face, responding:

"H-Heh. Yeah. Nice to meet you too.

- Alright. No more time for formalities. We need a boat immediatly. For Toynopolis. Here."
He picked some golden coins and gave them to Belindra. She counted them then smiled, putting them in her pocket.
"Alight. Same count as always. Not a missin' coin. Okay. I'll bring you one quick. Just wait at the shore nearby." She said as she ran away in the opposite direction. Meanwhile, Alfa asked me to follow him. I nodded then did so.

In our way, many trees were surrounding us. They seem to have smooth leafs, like plushes' fur.
Few moments later, we arrived to a point. There was a large red lake. The shore was full of few little rocks, next step was sand. So we waited for the boat here... It arrived as quick as we didn't except. A wooden boat was lying in the sand, waiting for us to go. Belindra then appeared to us, then talked to Alfa.

"Alight, it's here Al. Remember the stops? Yours is at the very end. The large lake, Toynopolis stop."

- Yes. Yes. I know... Thank you by the way." Alfa sighed.

"No prob! Now, have a nice trip!" Belindra cheered to us as she left, waving at us.

"So... Guess that we have to go in here?

- Yep. Go, follow me, I'll help you."
He climbed in the boat first, then helped me pushing it before I jump in it too. The boat then, somehow, moved alone, looked like following a river... Fast river.

"So, are you ready?" He asked me, about to smile.
"R-Ready? For what?" I asked nervously.
"Oh... You'll see~"

The boat then shook slightly... It was about to clinge... And it did. It now went as fast as it could, floating on the river that was flowing in a long slide. I was holding tightly on the sides of it, creeping out and wondering if we were going to survive or not. It was shaking vigourously. I could also see that the river's color went to red from orange in an instant. As this was done, the boat suddenly arrived to another lake. The exact lake as previously, but the sand was on the sides, and the water was orange. There was also a pannel here, saying: "This stop leads to - Chocolate Mountains." I panted hardly, taking back my breath then yells at Alfa:

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