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I woke up to Tyler singing in
the shower which was right
next to the room I was in.
Great way to wake up in my
opinion but then again he's
my best friend, I'm biased.
At this point, there were two
more days until the wedding
and everyone was hectic.
Rehearsals are completely
uncomfortable but she's managed
to avoid me and not rip my head
off even though it looks like
she wants to every time her
eyes meet mine.

I miss her.

Memories of Noah and I just
came flooding into my brain.
Replays and replays of how
happy we finally were before
it was ripped away from us.

I was snapped out of my thoughts
when Tyler knocked on my room
door and opened the door slightly.

"Morning sunshine." he smiled
and walked in.

"Morning." I sighed.
I wasn't too excited about having
to see Noah walk in with her
ignorant boyfriend for the forth
time this week.

"We're all going out to breakfast
instead of rehearsals today.
Tomorrow we'll have one final
dress rehearsal and then comes
the big day." he smiled widely.

"I'm happy to see that you're
so happy." I grinned back.

"I am.
Happier than I have ever been
and it's all because of Jenna
Black, soon to be Joseph." his
smile grew, which I honestly
didn't think was even possible.

"Can't wait until that change
happens." Jenna spoke up from
behind him and hugged him
around his torso.

"Oh hey, you heard that?"
Tyler blushed fiercely.
Jenna nodded and tippy toed
to peck him on the lips.

"Aw, you guys are cute."

"Thanks Joshua." Jenna winked.

"We'll let you get ready." Tyler
nodded and closed the door.
I let out another heavy sigh
before throwing the sheets to
the side and forcing myself to
get out of the bed.
I quickly changed into some
black jeans and a black t shirt.
I slipped on my Nike air max
and tied the up before grabbing
my snapback and walking
into the living room to meet
Tyler and Jenna and apparently
Caitlyn was here too.

"Hey Joshy!" she skipped over
to me and hugged me.
I greeted her back and we were
out the door to who knows where
to have breakfast.

✧☽ ✧

"Hey Josh?" Cait whispered
to me as I laughed at something
Zack said.
I turned around to face her and
gave her my full attention.

"What's up?" I nodded.

"I think me and Dallon might
have a thing going on." she
got closer to me since Dallon
was sitting on the other side of me.
Cait and the guy she was dating
didn't work out and they quickly
ended a few weeks after I left.

"Are you gonna go for it?" I
smirked at her as she blushed.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna try."
she smiled genuinely.

"Then why don't you switch
spots with me and get your man?"

"And this is why you're my best
friend Josh." she hugged my arm.

"I think not." Tyler interrupted.

"Ugh, let me have this moment."
Caitlyn giggled, waving Tyler off.
I leaned all the way back so that
Cait could easily jump over
me and sit with Dallon.
I scooted over and bumped
the person who was originally
seated next to Caitlyn.

"Oh my ba-" I stopped and
stared in to her crystal blue
and emerald green eyes.
Noah was here alone because
her sorry excuse of a boyfriend
didn't want to be apart of this
or socialize with any one of us.
That's also the reason he wasn't
her partner in the dance.
As prejudice and biased as it
sounded, I hated the guy.

"Hi." I gave her a small side
smile as I scooted back enough
to give her her space.
She rolled her eyes and focused
on anything but me.

"Noah?" I was going to keep
trying until she listened to me.
I saw chills form and her arm
and it only encouraged me to
continue, seeing that I still had
some type of effect on her.

"What do you want?" she said
harshly without looking at me.

"I want things to work out.
I don't want this awkward,
negative tension between us."

"If you really wanted that,
you're late by a year and
a half, so fuck off."

"Noah you have to trust that I was
doing what was best for you."
I tried to reason with her but it
seemed to only make things worse.

"Bullshit." she spat.

"What?" I was taken back at
how she scowled at me.

"You have no fucking right
to say that Josh!
You said that I deserved better
but that's bullshit because you
were the only one I wanted!
Whether I deserved better or not,
I chose you and you left!
You didn't know what was best
for me because the best thing
that had ever happened to me
was already right in front of me.
Obviously I just wasn't enough
for you so you can take all your
crap and leave me alone!" she
stood up from the table with tears
in her eyes and walked out.

My heart was aching and my
head felt like it was going to burst.
I looked around and saw that
everyone at the table was staring
at me as I sat there dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry." I stated under my
breath before leaving the table.
I rushed out the restaurant,
hoping Noah was still close
enough to catch up to but she
was nowhere to be seen.
I cursed under my breath and
decided to just walk it home.

I needed time to think anyways.


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