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It was about eleven in the
morning and I was calling Noah
to let her know whether or not
she had to dress all fancy.

"Hello?" she sounded like she
was distracted or busy and
there was noise in the background.

So I have the answer to
your question yesterday."

"Yes daddy." she sounded a
bit distanced from the phone.

Did she just call me daddy?

My eyes went wide and my
breathing hitched in my throat.
My heart was beating crazy
fast and I don't even know why.

Was it the word?

Did that actually affect me?

"Sorry, my dad is bothering me
about some stupid meeting next
week." she sighed.

You're so stupid Josh...

"Oh..." I said awkwardly.

"Oh my- Josh did you think
I was calling you that?"

"No, no!" I defended myself.

"Holy shit, you totally did!"
she laughed.
My cheeks flustered and I felt
like a complete idiot.

"Anyways." I cleared my throat.

"Yes daddy?"

"Noah stop."

"Ok, ok.
What's up for real now?"

"So I have decided to do
something a little more special
than I had originally planned.
Wear something fancy but not
crazy fancy ok?" I smirked.

"What time should I be ready?"

"Be ready by one."

"Josh that's not enough time!"

"Well make it work baby.
We have to go by that time if
we want to get to everything."

"I'm going to look like a
potato with a dress." she whined.

"You'll be a really hot potato
in a dress!
Honestly Noah you could wear
a trash bag and you'd still look
absolutely beautiful.
Now get your butt into your
closet and get ready because
we have a lot to do today."

"You're so cute it hurts.
I'll see you at one."

✧☽ ✧

"How do I look?" I asked
Jenna as she finished up fixing
my tie because I truly had
no idea what I was doing.

"You look so handsome,
she's gonna love it." Jenna
stepped back and put her hands
together, admiring her own
work since she practically
picked out my outfit too.
I turned around and looked at
myself on the mirror they had
hanging on the wall when
someone knocked on the door.

She's here!" Jenna clapped
and pulled Tyler by the arm
to their room to give me and
Noah some type of privacy.

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