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I was all packed and ready
to head to the airport.
Tyler was going to drive me
but first I was saying good
bye to everyone.

"I'm gonna miss you man."
Brendon sighed and gave
me a hug.

"Me too, but hey you guys
are always welcome to visit
me at my house." I smiled.

"We'll definitely be seeing
you soon, we promise.
Anyways, Brendon wouldn't
shut up about how much he
missed you the last time you
left." Sarah laughed before
stepping up for a hug too.
I let her go and turned to
Kian and Caitlyn.

"Cait-" I didn't even get to
finish before she pulled me
into a really tight hug.

"It's never not gonna hurt
telling you bye." she sniffled.

"You'll be ok.
I promise to text you
whenever I can."

Don't become a stranger."

I nodded in agreement and
looked at Kian.

"This isn't good bye dude.
You know I'll be out there
soon too." he smiled.

"Sounds good."

"Ok Josh, we have to go."
Tyler checked the time on
his phone and slid it back
into his front pocket.
I took out my own cellphone
and checked if I had any
texts or calls from Noah.
There was nothing.
I sighed and shoved my
phone into my sweater pocket.

"Still nothing?" Jenna asked

She probably didn't want
to say good bye but I get
it." I shrugged it off.
I was hurt though.

"Well have a safe trip ok.
You know you're always
welcome back to this home."
Jenna embraced me and
rubbed my back comfortingly.

I finished off saying good bye
to everyone and me and Tyler
went out to the car.
He helped me set everything
in the trunk, which wasn't
much, and we hopped in.
The car ride was mostly
quiet, and way too short for
my liking but there was
nothing I could do about it.
Plus, I needed to catch my
flight on time anyways.

"I'll wait until you take off."
Tyler smiled and sat next to
me in an uncomfortable plastic
airport chair.

"Thanks for everything.
Bringing me, letting me stay in
your home, just everything.
I'm so glad that after all
this that's happened, we're
still best friends."

"Josh we're always going
to be friends." he assured
me with a smile.

"Sick." I smiled back.

Just then, a woman announced
my flight number on the
overhead speaker.
Tyler looked over at me and
just sighed as he realized
this was it for us, at least
for a while until he could
visit me.
We stood up and he helped
me with my carry on.
As we started walking to the
gate I thought I heard my
name but I ignored it.

"Josh!" I heard the
unmistakable voice again.
I turned around quickly to
see Noah running up to me.

"Noah what are you doing
here?" I asked when she
almost tackled me into a hug.

"I'm going with you."

No you can't."

"Yes I can Josh.
I want to go with you.
Do you know how hard it
was to pretend that I didn't
hate my parents when I
found out what they did?
I don't want to continue
with those people who are
just going to do me harm.
I want to be with you and
follow you anywhere you
go because I love you Josh."
her words hit me like a truck.
Of course I wanted her to
come with me and of course
I had thought of it a million
times before but I couldn't
let myself be so selfish.

"What about-"

No more worrying about
my parents anymore.
No more worrying about
the damn business and no
more worrying about
whether or not this is right.
I'm a grown woman and they
can't hold me back anymore.
Let's just go.
We can be happy and finally
free, away from everything."
she looked at me with those
mismatched eyes that seemed
to glimmer with hope.
I looked at Tyler for help.

"She's right man.
You guys can finally be
be happy and left alone.
It's worth the risk." he nodded.

"I-" no words seemed to come.

"Josh please.
If you don't want me to
come with you, then just
tell me but if we're going
to do this, we have to do it
fast because I'm sure my
parents have noticed by now."
her eyes were pleading and
her tone was desperate.

I thought.
I thought about everything.
I thought about what might
happen if this didn't work
out and her parents found us.
I thought about what would
happen if me and Noah broke
up in the future and what it
would mean for the both of us.
I thought about what would
happen if we really did run
away and manage to be
completely at peace.

And that thought right there
seemed to overcome any and
every single doubt in my mind.
I smiled and sighed.

"You and me baby, you and me."

She smiled and wrapped her
arms around my neck once
more to kiss me.

"Ok come on, we have to go."
she let me go and adjusted the
duffle bag on her shoulder.

"Wait what about a ticket?"

"Josh, when a woman is
motivated, she gets exactly
what she wants and when
she wants it." she winked.
I furrowed my eyebrows
at her questioningly.

"I traded with some guy."
she shrugged.
The woman came on the
speakers again.

"That's you're last call guys.
Go go, hurry." Tyler waved.
I gave him one last hug, as
did Noah before we rushed
to the gate.

This was it.
It was just me and Noah.


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