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"This is a bunch of dip crap!"
Tyler was so frustrated because
he couldn't find his neck tie.

"Dude chill out, it's right there."
I pointed at the couch behind him.

"Thanks Josh." he sighed and
quickly put it on.

"Today's the day man.
Just breathe and let it flow."
I patted his shoulder and
tried my best to reassure him.

"I still can't believe I get to
marry Jenna Black." he smiled

"Hey, are you guys ready?
Everyone's seated already
and we're ready to start." Kian
peeked his head through the
dressing room we were in.

"Let's do this." Tyler took a
deep breath and nodded at me
before we walked out the door.
Tyler walked all the way up to
the alter while greeting everyone.
He stood there with the priest
and I stood right next to him.
Across me was Caitlyn and she
looked like she was already
getting emotional.

"She's coming!" someone in
the audience yelled.
Tyler's head shot up and music
started playing in the background.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cry." Tyler
whispered so that only I could
hear him.
Just as I was about to tell him
something, the crowd began to
applaud as Jenna walked down
the isle with her dad.

"Yup I'm crying." Tyler covered
his mouth with his hands in
pure shock and admiration for
his bride, who looked stunning.
I smiled uncontrollably, simply
because I was overwhelmingly
happy for my best friend.
He would never know how
eternally grateful I was for
meeting him and he honestly
deserved the entire world for
being the person he was.

"I love you." Jenna whispered
once she finally joined Ty.

"I love you too." he smiled back.

I smiled at the couple in front
of me before looking over at
the only person I ever saw
myself getting married to.
I just noticed how absolutely
gorgeous Noah looked.
She always did, but she
never dressed up like this.
Jenna decided she didn't want
all her bridesmaids to wear
matching outfits so Noah dressed
up in her own black dress.
It was a rare, beautiful sight.

✧☽ ✧

I felt bad for zoning out for most
of the time that the priest talked
but I payed full attention to Tyler
and Jenna's vows and "I do's".

We're now at the reception and
everyone was making their toast
to the newly weds.
I was called up to do the first
one so I mentally prepared before
standing up and taking the mic.

"Salutations, I'm Joshua William
Dun and I'm Tyler's best friend.
You know Tyler, you'll never truly
understand of the extent of how
much you really saved me a few
years ago when you agreed to
take me in as a roommate.
I was honestly a mess but you made
me the man I am today.
This sounds like we're the ones
who got married but I promise
I'm getting there Jenna." I chuckled
and looked over at her.
Everyone snickered and had their
shares of laughs before they
settled to let me finish.

"See I always knew there was
something about you and I thought
'man that guy is gonna have it
good in life' ya know?
We both know you don't have a
perfect life either but hell, it was
more put together than mine.
Then one day, you brought home
this blonde girl with piercing blue
eyes and introduced her to me
as one of your friends.
I knew it was total bull from the start.
You were so happy around this
girl and I saw your eyes light up
when she'd show up unexpectedly
or when she'd do something
weird, but it was adorable to you.
We'd even have conversations
about her after she left and I
could tell how carried away
with her you really were.
Then you guys became official and
I kind of wished I would have
bet on it with someone." I chuckled
again, along with everyone else.

"The point is Jenna, he was in
love with you long before he cared
to tell you or admit it.
You know as well as I do that
Tyler's had rough patches and
when you came along, everything
in Tyler's life seemed a little
brighter and I hope you continue
to do that for him.
Take care of him Jen.
He's crazy about you and you too
man, take care of her.
So all this, to say congratulations
and I know you guys will
make it really far in life.
A toast to the bride and groom!"
I raised the champagne glass
and waited until everyone was
done clanking glasses to take
a drink from it.

Without meaning to, my eyes
locked with a set of green
and blue ones.
Noah maintained the eye
contact until she finally couldn't.
She looked down at her glass
and played with it.
I snapped out of my trance and
sat back down so the next
person could make their toast.

Oh how I longed to see those
mismatched eyes inches away
from me while our hot breaths
fanning over each other before
our lips finally connect.

That's all I wanted.

That's all I've wanted for
almost sixteen months.


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