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Well I was tagged for the first time by one of my favorite writers! ceevee912
So here I am with a few facts!
1) I'm 17 years of age! My birthday is Sep. 5 and I'm the second oldest

2) I have 6 other siblings, not all from the same mom

3) I'm an artist but most likely won't pursue it. I'm bad at digital art and it frustrates me.

4) I want to be and elementary school teacher or work in IT.

5) Somethings I wished I learned when I was young: ice skating, ballet, piano (properly), violin (properly), and drawing digitally.

6) I can play the piano but only by ear I can't play actual music notes. I also play piano for my school every Wednesday chapel. I'm a Christian.

7) I can play the violin a little from what my teacher Mr. Jones taught me but, I moved away so I stopped.

8) I'm an Alto in show choir but, I'm truly a Soprano.

9) I have a myself! ❤️

10) My fears? Well anything that could cause me unhappiness. Such as: failing school, losing my family, breaking a bone, going to the hospital with some sickness again, losing the people I love, my technology being broken, someone trying to steal from my family and I, not being able to do anything with my life, the dark, snakes and bugs, and the Future.

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