Chapter 7

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"Just do it!"

"No, I can't"

"Do it!"


"Oh for crying out loud Toby! Fine, I'll just do it then!" I said.

"Wait!" Toby tried to stop me but its too late. I'm already outside and walking across the street. I fixed myself and tried to act casual but kinda formal.

I cleared my throat, which actually caught the attention of the couple whose busy unloading their stuff from the truck.

They just moved here.

The woman who has blonde hair and a very evident blue eyes smiled at me, "Can I help you?" she asked.

I return a smile, "I should probably ask that question. Do you need any help"

"Mrs. James. Lucy James." she answered.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. James. I'm Katherine or just Kate. So, do you need any help?" I asked.

"Nice to meet you too. That's so nice of you Katherine but I can do this. I have strong arms you know, this lady works out." She said while pretending to flex her arms.

I laughed but I can't believe she called me Katherine because I'm so used to be called Kate 'cause it's shorter to say and to spell. I guess Danielle is not the only one now.

"Yeah haha, but are you sure? I mean those things looks kinda heavy."

She waved me off, "I'm sure darlin', don't worry about me. Besides, my husband is helping me." she said.

I looked at the guy she pointed. He looks like he's in his mid forties, with a brown-blonde kind of hair.

"Honey come here!" she called out. Mr. James walked to our direction.

"What do we have here?" Mr. James asked, smiling.

"This is Katherine, she's our neighbor. Katherine, this is my husband Christopher." she said.

I offered for my hand, "Nice to meet you Mr. James."

He shook it. "Nice to meet you too, Katherine." he smiled.

"Just Kate." I said, I don't want them to exert effort or anything just to say my name.

"Okay, Just Kate." He nodded. I laughed. "So, where do you live?" He asked.

"Oh, just 2 two blocks away from your house." I said, pointing at the direction of my house.

He nodded, "Ahh, I see. Are your parents there? We would want to meet the new neighbors after we finish unloading our things."

I shook my head, "My mother's at work and my father died when I was like 3 or 4, I can't really remember."

"Oh, I'm sorry we didn't know." Mrs. James apologized.

"Don't wory, it's okay." I said.

"So, how old are you Katherine?" Mrs. James asked trying to change the subject.

"I'm 16, turning 17 this September." I said.

"You're a year older than our twins." she said

"Twins? Oh my gosh that's so cool." I said

"I know. A boy and a girl. You should meet them. Wait, hold on." Mrs. James went inside the house to call her twins while Mr. James got back to unloading their stuff. Few minutes later she came back. "Just wait, they're just fixing their things."

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