Chapter 31

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Taylor's POV

I started playing East Jesus Nowhere the guys started bobbing there heads.

'Raise your hands now to testify

Your confession will be crucified

You're a sacrificial suicide

Like a dog that's been sodomized

Stand Up! All the white boys

Sit Down! And the black girls

Stand Up! You're the soldiers

Sit Down! Of the new world

Put your faith in a miracle

And it's non-denominational

Join the choir we will be singing

In the church of wishful thinking'

We were at the solo and I said "Who wants to be saved." and winked at Billie. Billie got up and walked over to me and went on his knee's. I put my hand on his forehead and sang

'A fire burns today

Of blasphemy and genocide

The sirens of decay

Will infiltrate the inside'

Billie then fell backwards and we continued playing. Tre started jumpin up and down like a fuking nut and I laughed while I played. we ended the song and I grabbed 21. "This song goes out to a special person here. Billie, I love you." I said into the mic. I started playing Good Riddance(Time of your life.) and started singing.

'Another turn a point a fork stuck in the road

Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go.

so make the best of this test and dont ask why.

Its not a question but a lesson learned in time.

Its something unpredictable but in the end its right,

I hope you had the Time Of Your Life.'

At that point Lola had my viola that Billie got me and she started playing. I was in the little solo portion of the song and Kat was tearing up. I was like What The Hell but just let it fly by. I finished and everyone clapped. Lola put her free arm around me and we bowed. I put 21 down and Lola put my Viola away and then I felt someone pick me up bridal style. Billie had me in his arms and Mike and Tre also had Lola and Kat in there arms. "LET'S ROLL!" Billie yelled and started running. "Where are you taking us?!?!" I said as the guys ran outside. oh shit I know where this is headed... Billie and the guys then threw all of us in the pool Billie had. Luckly , Lola didnt have her iPhone nor her hoodie. Those things are like her babies. We all swam to the top of the pool and the guys were laughing there asses off. just to let you know it is October and we are in California! ITS ALWAYS HOT HERE. Thats when I realized...Lola, Kat, and I were only wearing tank tops. When tank tops get can see some things. I saw Billie look over and he stopped laughing. "HELLO!" Tre said in a cheery tone looking at Kat. That when Billie threw his shirt off and screamed "CANNON BALL!" and jumped into the pool near me. Wow im surprized Tre didnt do that. I went under water and opened my eye's. Yep...I do have my glasses on thats super! I saw Billie and he opened his eye's and swam over to me. I started swimming to the other side of the pool and I was kind of laughing under water. I got to the top of the water and swam. Tre started doing the Jaws theme song and I just kept swimming. I went back under water and looked behind me. Where the hell did that fucker go! I turned back around and he grabbed me and pushed me agenst his chest. "AHEM!" i heard coming from the back yard gate. "Mom! I thought you wernt coming till tommrrow!" Lola said. Oh...shit... this is not good.


Ok so it was about...11:25..11:30ish I went to the bathroom. My moms watchin the Grammy's. So I come out of the bathroom and its the dead musicians credits part. So before i went to the bathroom I was writing this chapter and so my mom tells me to come into the living room. I didnt have my glasses so I went to go get them.I get back down stairs and She fast forwards the credits for the dead people I see a little clip before it plays.. I see a little bit of gorges black hair.... I was like NO WAY! Then full screen came on.....BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG ON THE STAGE SINGING A SONG WITH SOME BLONDE CHICK AND HE HAD A RED AND WHITE GUITAR! Now just to lead this to the fact my mom hate's Green Day and hate's how I love Billie. As my Mom is looking at him on the Tv screen....she says "You know, he is actruly quite atractive." I then yell at her "BACK OFF HE'S MINE YOU CAN HAVE DARYLE!". Yes from the walking dead Norman Redis or what ever ya my mom love's him. Maybe I can get my mom to love Tre and then if my mom meets him they get MARRIED!!! XD okay okay getting carried away lol. Just wanted to say this xD And I was surprize that Billie's hair was not short its the crazy longish spikey hair due that all the fan girls love! xD LOL SO VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW IF YA WANT! LOVE YA'S! ~WhatSerName2

btw yes this was made like in January right now for my time its 1/26/14 at 11:50Pm lol xD! This is out in like Febuary lol

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