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One taste. That is all it takes.
One taste to lose all self control. To lose yourself.
One taste to gain everything...
Cassy woke with a start.
She sighed. This had to stop. Somehow. She got up and looked out the window. The sun hadn't started rising yet.The stars were blinking in and out of focus. She smiled. Her dad had always told her to look to the stars if ever she felt alone or lost. She certainly felt lost now.

Cassy lived with her mother, Clarissa, whom she adored. They lived in a quiet little town close to the city. Their house sat on a hill which would almost look like stars of their own if the timing was right. The sun always reached Cassy's window first before the rest of the house got any light. Cassy checked her phone.
"Great," she said. It was only thirty-five minutes before she had to leave for school. A new school. Again. Maybe this one will be different from the rest. Better. Maybe they would stay longer than a month or two so that she could actually make and keep her new friends. Her mother constantly moved around. Never happy with one place for long. She was pretty weird though, and even more so the closer it got to Cassy's eighteenth  birthday. Maybe it was the loneliness. Cassy's father died when she was young. Her mother never told her the whole story except that he died protecting them. If Cassy would ask about it, Clarissa would go quiet and find something to do. Cassy eventually just gave up. Even though she stopped asking she never stopped missing him. On the days she felt it the most she would go outside and watch the stars for hours. Venus was her favorite. She decided at a young age it would be her Dad's star. To that day, it still was. His was the first to come out and the last to leave.
"Cassy!" She sighed. It was going to be a long day.
"Coming," she answered, "I'm almost done!"
"Well hurry up, you're going to be late," said Clarissa.
Yay, she thought. Wouldn't that be an awesome start to my day. She rolled her eyes as she walked to her closet.

The Bell rang just as she closed her locker. She looked at her timetable. First period was English. If only she knew where to go---
"Cassandra?" Asked a soft voice behind her.
She jumped and turned. Two blue eyes staring back into hers.
"Um, just Cassy."
"Oh, I'm Esmé. You're in my class. I'll show you where all our classes are. Though we better run. Mr.Summers hates late arrivals. Come on," she said as she dragged Cassy through the halls for what felt like an eternity.

"Sit down students!"
Cassy turned around suddenly.
It was Mr.Summers.
"We have a new student and I expect this lesson to get started as soon as possible. Cassandra I don't usually do this with new students but I'll make an exception for today. As there are no the seats available, you may sit next to Esmé."
"Okay," she said and walked towards the friendly girl who helped her earlier.
"As long as there are no problems, you may sit there. Interrupt me and I will move you. Understood?"
"Yes, Sir." She nodded.
Esmé smiled up at her as she sat down. The lesson began.
It was lunch hour. Cassy slowly made her way to the cafeteria and without looking where she was going, bumped into someone. Hard. A strong grip found her arm.
"There now," said a charming voice. She looked up and was dumbstruck.
In front of her stood a stunning boy. She guessed he looked to be around her age. His hair was sandy blonde and reached his eyes, which were bright blue. His nose perfectly straight and his lips were pulled into a dashing smile.
" I'm so sorry," she started saying.
"Hey, no harm done. You're the new girl right? Cassandra?"
"Cassy, just Cassy."
"Well, Cassy, I'm Jared Hale. Pleased to meet you." He bowed.
"Um, Cassy Clarke. Not very creative, but that's me."

Jared smiled. Cassy smiled back.
"Well, be sure to tell your boyfriend how lucky he is to have someone as beautiful as you."
"I-I don't have one," she said, looking down.
"Oh, sorry. I thought-"
"It's okay."
"Want to get some lunch?" She looked up.
"Sure," she said and followed him to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was noisy. Cassy followed behind Jared. Everyone went quiet and all heads turned towards her. She felt herself blushing. As she turned to walk out, Jared pulled her closer. She tried to resist. He leaned closer and whispered to her,
"They're just not used to me walking with a girl."
"Well, I'm not good with too much attention," she answered.
"It was too late for that when you bumped into me," he said and smiled.
Cassy closed her car door. Finally. The school day was over. She just had too much excitement for one day. She turned her mp3 player on and started the engine. Someone knocked on her window. She jumped up and turned. Her heart stopped. It was Jared. She opened the window.
"Hi," he said.
"Hey," she answered, " you should stop scaring me like that."
"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean any harm."
"No worries. What can I do for you?"
"Well, my car broke and I could use a ride? Only if you want to?"
"Sure, get in," her heart was slamming against her ribs as he got in.
"So, Jared. Where to?" "I stay up on the farm close to the end of town," he said as they pulled out of the parking lot.

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