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Cass and Jared drove Andrea and Nick home after everyone had said their goodbyes. It was a silent drive except for the music playing.
"This is nice," said Andrea.
"Thank you. It's Passenger. The song's name is For You." Answered Cass.
"It's good music. The songs have very deep meanings."
"They do." Cass agreed.
The car came to a stop.
"Home sweet home," said Nick as everyone got out.
"You'll be okay, right?" Asked Andrea.
"We'll be fine, Mom. Won't we, Cass?"
"Yep. The two of you though?"
Andrea looked at the girl she had come to love with all her heart.
"Yes, dear. Even more so now that we know you will be with us until we are no more."
Cass smiled. Andrea had taken up a part of her heart that she would have for the rest of time.
"You all mean the world to me. Nothing will change that. Ever."
"We know," said Nick," and the same applies to you. We love you with all our heart and being. You are part of us now."
"Thank you,"said Cass.
"Only a pleasure,sweety,"said Andrea.
Cass hugged both parents and said goodbye.
"We'll see the two of you soon,right?" Asked Andrea.
"Sure," said Cass.
They waved goodbye as the pulled out of the driveway.

"Are you ready?" Asked Jared.
"As ready as can be," said Cass," now let's go home. My mom will be getting worried soon."
"Okay, let's go." Said Jared.
They drove on home with their minds racing.

"Are the two of you okay?" Asked Clarissa as they entered the house.
"We're okay," said Cassy.
"We're fine. Just tired," said Jared.
"Okay. You looked stressed though."
"Just thinking a lot. That's all, Mom." Cass said with a tired smile.
"Do you want to go rest?" Asked Clarissa.
"No it's okay. Too early for that anyway." Said Jared.
"Okay. If you say so. Coffee anyone?"
Two heads nodded in excitement.
Clarissa laughed as she went about making them something to drink and snack on.

   They all settled in the living room as they spoke about the happenings of the day.
"It was quite an interesting day. I didn't expect half of what happened." Said Clarissa as they sat down.
"I did find it quite interesting. So much happened, I'm still trying to process everything," said Cass.
"You can say that again. It's like it's too much all at once. One thing I'm sure of though," said Jared,"I meant what I said, Cass. That much you can believe in."
"So you were sure about it?" Asked Cass.
"Yes,"said Jared.
"Well if he hasn't proven that yet,then I don't know what will,"said Clarissa.
"Then that's fine by me," said Cass.
Jared smiled at her,then at Clarissa.
"I guess this means I'm stuck with the two of you for the rest of time then,"said Jared.
"Yep," answered Cass and Clarissa.
"And even after that still," said Cass with a smile.
She and Clarissa looked at each other and nodded.
"What's going on?" Jared asked.
Cass looked at him and started laughing.
"Tickle fight!" She screamed as she and Clarissa pinned Jared down and started tickling him.

The laughter went on into the late hours of the night until the house went dark and everyone went to bed.
The stars had a strangle twinkle that night as Cass and Jared sat on her balcony watching them.
"They look so different tonight," said Cass.
"They do look strange, don't they? Like they're trying to tell us something," said Jared.
"Hmm, I guess so."
"I wonder what?"
They discussed their guesses as there was movement on the far horizon. Too far for them to see. Too dark.
He breathed heavily. It had taken him years to find them. Cassandra and Clarissa. They were so close now. Yet so far. He had travelled from place to place only to be a month or two too late.  The last place he went he missed them by a matter of weeks. He looked behind him at the shadows. Someone, no, something was following him. Something not human. His expression turned grim.
It was far behind. Though it would be there soon. A few days, a week maximum. He didn't have much time. He was almost there. He had waited for this for too long. He turned towards the path and began moving again. This time he would not be too late. He would find them. He'd be damned if he missed them again. Ten years was a long wait. He would not wait another day. By dawn, he will be there. Ready. Tired but ready. This couldn't wait. Not any longer. He had to get to them.
Soon,he thought. Soon.
The sun was beginning to rise. I must hurry, he thought. I must get there as soon as possible. Just one more hill...
He reached the top and saw the house he was headed to. Finally. He could go home. He rushed down the hill and ran as fast as he could. He saw a car parked in front of the garage. It was red. The house was made of light bricks and there was a balcony which led to a lavender walled room. He smiled. He must be in the right place. At the right time too. He walked up to the front door which was an off white. A brass doorbell sat beside it. He pressed it.
One,two,three times. He waited as he heard movement inside. Footsteps got louder as if coming downstairs. He couldn't have woken them? They were usually up early. He checked his watch. It was six-thirty. A lock clicked and the handle turned. His heart leapt out of his chest as the racing heartbeat increased. The door opened. There she stood. Clarissa. She screamed and collapsed as Cassy ran down the stairs along with a boy he didn't know. He looked alot like Nick...

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