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The next morning started out to be normal. The sun came out, shining as brightly as ever and the birds chirped as everyone woke.
"Hi," said Cass as Jared opened his eyes.
"Hey," he answered.
"How did you sleep?"
"Good. You?"
"Awesome. Is breakfast ready yet?"
Cass scoffed.
"What?" Asked Jared.
"That's always the first thought on your mind. Come on, let's go see."
"Hey, a guy's gotta eat," he said as he beat her to the kitchen.
"Morning," said Clarissa," is Cass still asleep?"
"Hi. Nope, I just want breakfast more than she does," said Jared.
"Liar," said Cass as she walked in and greeted everyone," he just ran downstairs as if there was nothing more important than food."
"He does have a point," said Nick.
Cass stared at him with an icy gaze.
"Okay, okay," said Nick,"she wins, Son."
"No fair," said Jared with a cup of coffee in his hand.
"We girls have to stick together," said Andrea as she hugged Cassy.
"Deal. Today the men suffer," said Cass.
"Even me?" Asked Jace.
"Okay, not you," said Cass as she hugged her father," just those two."
"Good. I didn't do anything," said Jace.
Clarissa and Andrea laughed as Jared and Nick pouted and laid their heads on their arms.
"It's going to be a long day," said Nick.
"Yes. Yes it is," said Jared with a sigh.

The morning went by faster than anyone thought possible.
"Should we give in?" Asked Andrea.
"Hmm, it has been a while. I guess we could," said Cass.
"Fine. We don't say anything though."
Cass smiled.
"I wasn't planning on it," she said.
Before anyone could ask her what she meant, she pounced on Jared and gave him the lightest peck on the cheek.
"Just the cheek?" He asked, bringing her closer again.
"If you want better, you better work for it," said Cass.
"Fine by me," said Jared as he pulled her closer and kissed her tenderly.
"Whoa," said Jace,pulling them apart.
"What?" Asked Cass.
"I don't think this is the kind of thing parents are meant to see," said Jace.
Cass laughed and looked at the rest.
"They look fine," she said.
"Huh?" Said Jace, turning around.
"Clarissa? Any support here?"
"They're in love. Leave them be. We weren't so different when we started dating."
"You know it's true," said Nick.
"Oh,  come here," said Clarissa as she kissed Jace until he almost lost his balance.
"So, are we even?" Asked Clarissa.
"We're even," answered Jace.
"Good. Now go light a fire. I'm in the mood for a barbecue."
"Because I said so. Move."
"Come on," said Nick,"before we sleep outside."
That got Jace moving.
Clarissa and Andrea laughed as their husbands ran outside to get started.
"This is fun," said Cass.
"You haven't seen the half of it," said Andrea with a smile.
Cass looked at Jared who nodded. She shook het head. This was going to be interesting. Very interesting indeed.
The men finished up with the meat as everyone settled outside. Jared joined Cass and hugged her tight.
"Something gives me the idea you missed me," said Cass.
"Couldn't  imagine why," said Jared.
"Oh? So you can go longer then?" She asked.
"No! No, it's okay. You're right. I missed you."
Cass laughed.
"I thought so."
"I love you," said Jared.
"And I love you. Never forget that," said Cass.
"I wouldn't dare," said Jared  as he kissed her.
"Oi, food's ready," said Jace.
"Coming," said Cass.
"Me first," said Jared.
"Oh,no you don't," said Cass as she shoved him aside.
Jace smiled and got in line behind her. He rested his head on her shoulder. They all finished up as Jace put music on.
"Care for a dance?" Asked Jace.
"Of course," said Clarissa as she took his hand.
Andrea and Nick followed soon after.
"May I have this dance, my love?" Asked Jared.
"You may," said Cass as he led her closer to the others.
Jared took hold of Cassy's hand and put his other behind her back. She laid her head on his chest as they started dancing. The other two couples stopped and watched them. They moved as one. Flowing as if being moved by the wind. Their movements were graceful, not a single misstep. Jared smiled as he held Cass tight. It felt good. Dancing with the most important part of him. With Cass. The song ended. They embraced shortly and went to get something to drink.
"Thanks, Mom," said Cass as they accepted fruit juice.
"Only a pleasure. You're quite the dancer, Jared," said Clarissa.
"Thank you," said Jared, sounding worlds away.
"Are you alright, Son?" Asked Nick, concerned.
Jared looked into the distance. As if he couldn't hear them.
"Baby?" Asked Andrea.
Nothing. He kept listening. Listening to something. Something they couldn't hear. Something distant.
"Jared?" Asked Cass as she touched his arm.
Jared collapsed. He started screaming as everyone rushed toward him. He thrashed and strained. As if fighting something they could not see. Cass shook him and went down too.
Andrea screamed. Clarissa hugged her daughter gently as she screamed in pain. Andrea and Nick tried to get Jared conscious. Clarissa and Jace got no further with Cassy. What was happening? What was wrong with their children?!
Then suddenly, they stopped screaming. They went still.
Both gulped for air as their eyes shot open. Cass searched immediately for Jared and grabbed him closer.
"What's going on?" Asked Nick.
Jared looked at his father with tears in his eyes.
"He's here, Father. He's come for us," said Jared.
All parents looked at each other. The time had come. They had to protect their own.
A howl sounded in the distance. The wind? A wolf? No there were no wolves there.
Andrea and Clarissa looked at each other. That was the sound of evil. It was Him. The Darkness had come. It was time to fight. It was time to save everything. To save love. To save the planet.

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