Chapter 14.

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Out of all my years, I've never felt this embarrassed in my life. I don't know what came over him and I definitely don't know how to feel. Everything is just moving so fast and out of all the awkwardness I'm second hand to how embarrassed he must feel. I actually feel bad because I sort of led him on. I should of said no when he pushed me against the counter.

I decided to clean up the kitchen once he left. For some strange reason I like to clean when I'm in the feels whether I'm mad, sad, nervous, or just confused. Once I was done cleaning, I went upstairs listening as the shower ran to make sure I make it in my room before he comes out. Luckily I did. Once I made it into my room I decided to take one as well. I went to my dresser and pulled out a change of clothes then I went into the bathroom for my shower. I turned the water, making sure it was just right and finally undressed and stepped inside.

Once I was done washing my feelings away, I moisturized my body and put my clothes on. After that, I just relaxed in bed and checked my phone.

Ashton: Hey beautiful.

Me: What's up?

Ashton: How are you?

Me: I'm great how about you?

Ashton: Anxious about our date tomorrow.

Me: I bet you are too

Ashton: Can't wait to taste those lips

Me: Who said it'll be any lip tasting?

Ashton: Trust me by the end of the night you'll want me kissing more than just your lips. It'll be hard to stop. 😌

Me: Whatever

"Do you have any light bulbs by any chance, the one in my lamp kind of blew out while I was in the shower?"I heard David asking.

"Uhhh yea just give me a moment,"I said locking my phone before getting out of my bed.

I walked over to my closet and opened this little black box I keep extras in. Everything's in this box like batteries, screws, pocket knives, pins, bulbs, just everything.

"Here you go,"I said handing a bulb to David.

"Oh um thank you,"he said biting his lip staring at me up and down.

"Anything else,"I said breaking the silence.

"That'll be all, umm goodnight,"he said walking backwards.

I gave him a small smirk as he walked out of my room. It was so very obvious that he was checking me out. Honestly if I knew or suspected that he was coming into my room, I would have put some pants on.

Once he was out of my sight, I crawled back in bed to find out that Trey had sent three messages since I put my phone down. I decided not to text back because I didn't feel like talking. I'm exhausted and he has tomorrow night to chat with me.


I woke up this morning to a very quiet home. It was awkward because ever since David's been here, I'd least here the television downstairs or rambling in the kitchen. Today, it wasn't like that so I decided to go figure out why.

I got out of my bed making sure to put some pants on this time, and I went to his bedroom next door. Empty.

"David?!!"I called out loudly.

No answer.

I kept calling his name searching around the house making sure all my belongings were still in place until I reached a letter on my refrigerator.

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