Chapter 18.

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I finally made it home to the smell of promised pizza alongside some wings and champagne. I can't believe he was actually serious.

"Hey,"I heard.

"You did all this?"I asked.

"I told you,"he said,"You didn't believe me?"

"Actually yes but no,"I responded.

"So I got two movies, a comedy and or a romance, three if you consider porn as an theatrical film,"he smiled making me laugh.

"I DON'T want to watch porn,"I assured.

"Let me take your coat,"he said walking behind me to slide the jacket off my shoulders.

"Thank you,"I said.

"Please sit,"he said leading me to the area on the floor he took his precious time to decorate.

"Wow you're really doing this right now,"I said watching as he sat beside me and started taking off my shoes,"What are you doing?"

"Making you comfortable so I can give you a massage,"he said. I didn't know how to feel about it.

He grabbed some lotion and began working his hands on my feet. I admit it did feel amazing. He has a nice way with his hands. Then he started to get my ankles as well as my calves.

"You have very nice skin, it's very smooth and it glistens in the right light,"he said slowly moving further up my legs.

"David,"I warned,"that's enough."

"Yes ma'am,"he said removing his hands,"All done."

"Thank you,"I said.

"You never decided what you wanted to watch,"he reminded me.

"A comedy doesn't sound too bad right about now,"I responded.

"Ahh shoot, I should've just said romance,"he said holding his forehead shaking it. Such humor.

"So silly,"I said sitting on the couch.

I watched as he put the movie in and started it. I didn't know exactly what the movie was about but it looked interesting that's why I chose it.

"Can I sit beside you?"he asked.

"You were going to do that anyway,"I said making him laugh.

"Looks interesting already,"he said. Great he's a movie talker. I absolutely hate when people talk through out the entire movie. I just hope this isn't the case.

"Yea now shhh,"I said leaning back. He leaned back with me.

We started watching the movie and before it even gets to the middle his eyes are glued to my face. He sure can stare.

"You know David I thought we were supposed to be watching the movie not me,"I said.

"Oh yea right,"he said turning his face back to the movie.

I admit the movie was very funny and we did laugh together but he still kept glancing over at me. It was rather annoying if you asked me. He sat there looking blank like he was thinking of something. Then he took a big yawn slowly taking his right arm and swinging it around my shoulder. Here we go.

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