Chapter 19.

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It's after midnight and I just cannot sleep. I keep thinking about everything and it's annoying that I can't turn my brain off, so I decided to call Trey.

"Hello,"I heard.

"Hey, I didn't wake you up did I?"I asked.

"Yes, but I'm happy you finally called,"he said smartly.

"I'm sorry I've been so busy it slipped my mind that I was supposed to call you yesterday,"I said holding my forehead.

"I want to see you let's FaceTime,"he suggested.

"Oh my gosh no I'm ugly,"I panicked.

"You could never be ugly, I hate when girls do that,"he laughed,"You're beautiful whether you're all made up or not."

"Aww thank you,"I blushed.

"Soo can we?"he asked.

"Okay,"I said before he hung up then FaceTimed me.

"Hello,"I answered.

"OH MY GOSH YOU'RE HIDEOUS!"he yelled making my mouth fall open.

"Seeeeee, really?"I asked embarrassed.

"Nooo baby you're beautiful, you should have seen your face though,"he laughed hysterically.

"It's not funny,"I laughed with him.

"Why are you up so late?"he asked.

"I just couldn't sleep,"I admitted.

"Lot on your mind?"he asked.

"Yea but I don't want to talk about it,"I said mainly because it was about him and David.

"I understand how was your day?"he asked.

"Long and lonely,"I flirted.

"You missed me?"he asked as I nodded my head smiling,"You're so cute."

"You missed me?"I asked.

"Can I come over?"he asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea,"I said secretly wanting him to come but considering the fact that David's here and that's bad on both ends if they were to see each other.

"Why?"he laughed,"I want to cuddle and help you sleep. I just want that I promise."

"Another time,"I assured.

"Yes ma'am,"he smiled making a funny face,"Oh I didn't know you had a dog."

"Oh Bentley, come here boy,"I said picking him up,"Isn't he adorable."

"He alright, he's not better than mines though,"he shaded.

"Oh really what kind?"I asked.

"A pit, two of them actually,"he said.

"Remind me never to go to your house please,"I said making him laugh.

"Oh come on they're not that bad, they don't even bite,"he said.

"That's what they all say,"I responded.

"Whatever you're just scared,"he shaded once again.

"And you're correct,"we laughed together.

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