Part 23

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"There," I say to Tobias, right before the bell rings. I hand him the three small sheets of paper with a pumpkin, kitty, and-for Zeke- a bee. Just figured he could call me Bea, only cause I couldn't think of anything else. Tobias looks through them and chuckles at Zeke's.

"These are great Pumpkin," Tobias smiles and kisses the top of my head. Well he only did the later because everyone started walking in. I realize that Marlene is in this class. I'm a very oblivious person.

I sit in my usual spot and Tobias decides to sit next to me. He sets his bag on the ground and leans against the wall. Ms. Wu comes in once the bell signaling class is starting goes off. She says hello to us and we all reply the same.

"Well I had a chance to check out your painting and they were all pretty good," she smiles and writes something on the board, "today we are painting, but you get to chose. As long as it's an appropriate picture I'm fine."

"Damn it," Tobias jokes and everyone laughs.

Ms. Wu rolls her eyes playfully with a smile, "anyway, we are doing this today and tomorrow. I'd like you to chose something that means a lot to you."

I smile and grab everything I'll need to paint. This is by far the best art class ever. Mixing the paints to get the color I want and careful applying it to the canvas. I smile with each stroke of the brush and try my best not to mess it up. It didn't take me long to know what I wanted to paint, a small waterfall. Everyday, back in Vermont, I'd go to a waterfall in the woods behind my house. It was my quiet place and I absolutely loved it.


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"Dauntless Dine In!" Zeke cheers as I enter the gym. I just changed into my gym uniform. He wraps his arm over my shoulders and gives me a smile. "Thanks for the drawing."

"Anytime," I smile and then feel my arm being tugged.

"Aye, you've got your own girlfriend," Tobias jokes as he wraps his arm around my waist. Zeke laughs and we walk toward the bleachers to sit.

Zeke and Tobias are whispering to each other with smirks etched on to their faces. I'm not liking this at all, but I chose to ignore it. Well that is until Tobias jumps up and drags me to the wall. I glare at him and he places his forearm beside my head and the other on my waist. Excuse the hell out of you!

"Zeke and I, being the geniuses that we are, thought it'd be funny to see Lynn and Amar's reaction," Tobias chuckles.

"Reaction to what?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"A kiss Pumpkin," he says and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I never agreed to a kiss," I defend.

"Kissing is part of the boyfriend contract," Tobias whispers. "Just for like a minute, just to see their reaction."

"But I told you, you'd never get to kiss me."

"Get over it," Tobias groans and leans down to kiss my lips. I mean it'd look terrible if I kissed my 'boyfriend' away from me, especially when he just kissed me and did nothing. I hook my right arm around his neck and my left hand goes to mess with his hair. He steps a little closer to me and I'm shocked for a second. It's just an act, just kiss him and get it over with. Wait Tobias told me to get over it, I can't use him words. Just please walk in Lynn and Amar. Tobias's hand is now at the small of my back holding me against him. Both of my arms are hooked around his neck and I grip on to my elbows.

Finally we hear someone clear their throat behind Tobias and I silently thank them. Tobias on the other hand doesn't pull away and manages to pull me closer. This time the person clears their throats louder and Tobias slowly pulls away. To embarrassed to see who it was I looked down and felt my cheeks heat up. Tobias puts both hands on my waist and turns his head back to see who was there.

"Hey coach," Tobias smirked and I rested my forehead against his shoulder, "happy Monday."

"Four, if you don't mind, please stop making out with-" he stopped and I wasn't going to lift my head up. Amar hasn't seen me so I don't have to be embarrassed. Zeke and Tobias are stupid, that plan was the dumbest thing ever.

"Come on Pumpkin," Tobias says putting his hand under my chin. I mumble and no and he chuckles. "It's just Amar."

"Coach," Amar speaks up and I grin a little.

"Yeah yeah," Tobias rolls his eyes, then whispers, "come on Tris, his reaction is already good, let him see you."

By this time I've unhooked my arms around his neck. One hand is resting on his shoulder while the other is on his chest. Which allows me to hit his chest. He makes a little shocked noise and I smile. I pull my head off of Tobias's shoulder and stand up on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. Right after that I kind of skip walk back to the bleachers. I glance over at Tobias and Amar. I can't see Amar's face but Tobias's has a huge smirk across it. They talk for a couple minutes and Tobias laughs.

"Alright class," Amar speaks up, "today we are just going to play some kickball."

One kid asks if we are going outside and Amar said no. I wish I was still allowed to sit out. Kickball is one of my least favorite games ever. I slowly stand up, before Tobias wraps his arm around my waist. He pulls me close to his side and kisses the top of my head. The whole class is stunned by Tobias and I and that's exactly the reaction he wanted. I on the other hand hate the attention and look down.

"Alright," Amar says making everyone look at him, "time to chose teams!"


"I literally hate you," I say and hit Tobias's arm.

He decided to throw the ball right at my head. We were on opposite teams, against Tobias's choice, and he threw the ball while I was running. The way Amar plays is, you can't get the runner out of you throw the ball at them. So Tobias decided to get me out by chucking then all full force at me.

Of course class is over now and we are both leaving the gym. We already changed back to our regular clothes. My book bag is only hanging on my right shoulder and my left hand is holding the side of my head. I was going to get an ice pack but I'd look stupid walking around with it. So I'm just holding my head hoping to get rid of the pain. Right now it isn't working at all.

"Come on Pumpkin," Tobias smiles, "I didn't mean to hit you in the head."

"I probably have a concussion now," I grumble and he shakes his head. He has his arm wrapped around my waist but mine are crossed over my chest. "I'm serious Four."

"You're fine," Tobias rolls his eyes, "plus it was an accident."

"Then why'd you throw your hardest?" I ask and he doesn't reply right away.

"Didn't realize that I was, to me throwing is like second nature. Don't realize how hard I actually throw it," he tells me and I just scoff.

"Next time you do that, you'll be lucky if you can have children," I threaten.

"But don't you want children Pumpkin," he smirks and I hit him again.

"I'm not having children with you Eaton," I grumble and he laughs.

"Come on," he says and starts to basically drag me out of the school, "I'm really in the mood for some cake."

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