Part 32

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"Susan can't I just stay here," I whine as Susan nudges my shoulder with her own.

"No you can not," she tells me, "you've been way to down these past few months."

"No I haven't," I defend myself, "I just have been focusing on school."

"Well it's a Friday night," Susan replies, "and since we aren't at a party, the least you can do is dance with a guy."

"Technically we are at a party," I say and she glares at me.

"I mean one where there aren't a bunch of 40 year olds," she exclaims and I laugh.

"Then you shouldn't have came," I shrug, "just go dance with Caleb or something."

"Caleb is to busy talking with your dad and his friends," Susan rolls her eyes, "the least you could do is make me happy by dancing with the boy over their. He's literally been glancing at you all night."

"I have no clue who he is," I tell her.

"He goes to Dauntless," she tells me, "his name is Edward."

"I know him so well now," I joke, "might as well marry him."

"Stop being dramatic Tris," Susan says, "just dance with him."

"Oh my gosh Susan," I complain, "I'll do it."

I turn around and run in to something. Seriously this is my luck. Now that I'm sitting on my butt I look up to see what I hit. Of course it is the boy that Susan has been bugging me all night. Edward maybe, not positive that is his name. Edward, which is what I will call him now, offers me his hand to help me up. I take his hand and offer his a small smile as he helps me up. He pulls his hand away from mine and I see his cheeks turn pink.

"I'm sorry," he says, "I'm Edward by the way."

So Susan was right, "it was my fault as well. I'm Tris."

"Well to make it up would you care for a dance?" he asks and I smile.

"Lets dance," I say and take his hand once again. With out even looking back I know that Susan is probably smiling.

After a couple songs Edward and I stop dancing. He actually is a super nice guy and he does go to my school. The reason why I don't really see him is because literally all of his classes are honors. I mean I know that I'm smart, but not that smart. He doesn't seem like the nerd type, he just went to Erudite until he was 16. He has a younger sister, her name is Ginger. She isn't here tonight.

"Would you like a drink?" Edward asks.

"Just a water please," I reply.

He nods and walks away to the refreshments table. I take a seat at an open table. Caleb and Susan are now dancing together and look to happy. I mean I'm glad that they are dating and happy, it's just they are like a couple that is too perfect. I've never heard them argue ever. I mean isn't it like healthy for couples to argue. Obviously not a lot but every so often. Plus seeing a fight is kind of funny. One day I saw Zeke and Shauna fighting over, no joke, a TV show. They were arguing about what character was better. I think it was the Flash characters Cisco and HR. It lasted for a good thirty minutes.

"Here's your water," Edward says handing me a small glass of water.

I smile as I take the glass from him, "thanks."

"So I heard you were doing track this year," Edward says and I nod before I set me glass on the table.

"Yeah, I did it back home," I tell him. "Are you running?"

"I don't think I could survive running around a track," he jokes and I smile. "I actually do baseball."

"What position do you play?" I ask him and he looks kind of shocked by my question.

"I'm usually the catcher," he replies, "I play third sometimes."

"When I played softball I could never play the infield. The ball would always go right between my legs," I giggle and he lets out a laugh.

"When did you play?" he asks.

"I stopped playing when I was sixteen." I tell him. "I stopped because of track. I hurt my knee in softball."

"That makes sense," he says and sets his glass on the table. "Do you ever think you'll  play again?"

"Probably not," I shrug, "just because school softball is the same time that track is."

"Four does both though," Edward tells me.

"Is he just like an outfielder?" I ask him.

"No," Edward answers, "he's actually a pitcher. I usually have to catch him."

"Are you going to college for baseball?" I ask.

"Yeah," he tells me, "I was offered a scholarship to Dauntless University."

"That's the best school in the state for business," I say mostly to my self. "Are you majoring in business?"

"Yeah, my dad is CEO for a tech industry," he tells me, "I'm also majoring in Technology."

"Is he expecting you to take over the business when you are older?" I ask.

He answers with a nod before he asks, "what are you going to major in?"

"I was thinking on majoring in biology," I tell him, "I've always wanted to be a physical therapist."

"Well in Chicago those are needed," he jokes and we both laugh.

"Sorry to interrupt but Tris and I have to go," Susan says with a smile. Caleb of course just stands there waiting.


"We are going to the party," Susan whispers.

"Hey Edward do you want to come?" I ask him and he just gives me a weird look.

"I don't think I was invited," he says standing up.

"It's fine," I say, "you can come if you like."

"Why not," he says and then we go with Susan outside.

"How exactly are we getting there?" I ask her.

"I drove by myself tonight," she shrugs and unlocks her car.

"Did you drive?" I ask Edward and he shakes his head. "Susan, don't you think we are a little over dressed?"

"We'll be fine," Susan says as she starts to drive, "besides it's not like we are wearing shorts that only go halfway down our ass."

"Caleb?" I say, "where did you exactly tell our parents we were going."

"Just to some restaurant because we didn't like the food there," Caleb tells me.

"They didn't flip out on you for saying you didn't like the food?" I ask.

"Surprisingly no," Caleb chuckles.

"Oh yeah! Caleb this is Edward, Edward, Caleb," I say.

"We have honors calculus together," Caleb says and I feel like an idiot.

"Well it's good to know you guys already know each other," I say.

We just all make small talk for fifteen minutes before Susan finally says that we are here. I get out of the car and walk inside with Edward by me. As soon as I get inside the smell of beer is overwhelming.

"What's up Kitty," Uriah says giving me a hug, "welcome to the party of the year."

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