And Another Chapter

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Chapter 4

I couldn't sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, BEN's face kept appearing. He was always smiling, and his hand was out stretched.

I sat up, and Smile raised his head, confused. I smiled, and rubbed his head. He made a sighing sound, and I laughed slightly.

"Oh god, why can't you just go to sleep?" a voice said from the corner of my room. Smile sat up quickly and growled, moving closer to me.

"Smile? Who's there, boy?" I asked, and I heard a cold laugh. I curled my hand into a fist as I recognized it as Jeff's laugh.

"Jeff! What the hell are you doing?!" I snapped as I turned on the lights. Jeff was leaning against the wall, staring at me. Smile growled once, and Jeff looked offended.

"But Smile! I would never do that in Trendy's room! He would kill me!" Jeff said, and I pulled the covers up around myself as the boy walkred towards my bed.

"G-get out of here, Jeff," I said, and he smirked.

"Are you scared?" Jeff asked, and I gritted my teeth, looking away from him. I heard him chuckle, and I felt an ice cold finger touch my face, pulling it up, so I looked into his eyes.

"Now tell me Lucy. How does a girl like you not get killed?" he whispered, as he leant forward. Smile jumped forward and bit his arm, and Jeff made a tutting sound.

"Oh no, Smile, you bad dog. Do you know what we do to bad dogs, Lucy?" Jeff asked, leaning away. I felt a pit open up in my gut, and I shook my head.

"We put them to sleep," Jeff replied, as he brought a knife up, and slammed it down into Smile's side. I screamed, and Smile made a whining noise.

"SMILE!" I yelled, as the door was flung open and Masky, Eyeless Jack, BEN, Slenderman, and two other people I hadn't met before ran in. BEN winced when he saw Smile lying on the bed, with a knife in his side.

EJ flew at Jeff, pinning him to the wall. "You're a little shit, you know that right?" Jeff grinned and Jack pushed a scalpel against his throat."I should take your kidneys right now. But they'll just grow back and they taste like shit."

BEN pulled the knife out of Smile's side. The dog let out a high pitched yelp. I winced, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, and I saw a boy in a yellow sweater, his face covered up by a hood, holding a piece of cheesecake out to me. I shook my head, and he and Masky started eating it together.

"Well, Lucy, look what you did. Hurt a dog, the poor thing," Jeff taunted, and I felt an arm go around my waist. I looked over to see Jack. He pulled me closer to him, and Jeff looked at us, scornful.

"Oh, look at the little slut. She has everyone fawning over her," Jeff spat.

I snapped. Walking forward, I grabbed the knife from BEN and I held it to Jeff's throat.

"Now listen here, you douche. I am not a slut. I am only here because you killed my parents, and I will kill you. And if you ever come in here again, I will stab you so many times that there won't be a body, you got it?!"

Jeff smirked, and I felt rage boil up. I punched him, and I heard snickers from the crowd.

A bark broke through the laughter, as Smile jumped up and ran to me. I hugged the dog, who licked me.

"We can't die, Lucy. Its not what we can do," Slenderman said. I released Jeff, who glared at me. I glared back, and everyone left the room.

"Wait! BEN!" I called, and BEN stopped.

"Yeah, Lucy?"

"Could you stay with me tonight?" I asked.

"Yes, of course," he replied, as I got under the covers, and with his arms around me, fell asleep.

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