Chapter 4 - Ninja World

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This chapter is dedicated to FTEmperial! Happy reading!


Saya pov:

The two stern people who had just walked in were watching me with narrow gazes. None of us had spoken and the masked people hadn't relaxed their stances.

The lady had a hand on her hip and she was watching me with her brows deeply furrowed. The man, however, was observing me. He hadn't taken his gaze off me and he seemed to be trying to figure out who I was and probably even what power I had.

The lady looked to be in her thirties and had blonde hair tied in two low ponytails. Her eyes were ochre colored and looked stern. She had a small diamond tattoo on the center of her forehead and wore a haori shirt, slightly baggy pants and heeled sandals. There was a darker colored coat over her shoulders that fluttered in the light breeze that came in through the window. She sort of reminded me of Rangiku san – they were both blessed in physical endowment.

The man looked much older. Half his face was covered by bandages and the visible part of his face had lots of wrinkles. His left eye was grey and he had an 'x' shaped scar on his chin. He wore a black and white attire and his right arm seemed to be in a sling within the black robe. I don't think he was handicapped because I could clearly feel a strange power emanating from his concealed arm and eye.

Now that I think about it, I noticed that every person here in the room and even outside had very strange reiatsus. They were strong but at the same time....not normal. This was the first time I had sensed such strange life energy.

"So, you're finally awake." The lady asked, making me twitch.

"Yeah....but the way you're saying that means I've been out for a long time. How long have I been unconscious?" I asked with a barely audible sigh.

"Three days." She said and I nodded slowly.

"Three days, huh...." I mumbled more to myself as my thoughts floated away.

So I had failed in my mission to defeat Aizen and protect the people I cared for. Kurotsuchi san sending me to Hueco Mundo had done no change to the fate of Karakura Town. Now, the only person who had a chance to stop Aizen was Ichigo. And I hope that whatever came to me in my dream would not come true. I believed in Ichigo's power as well as the power of all the shinigami of Soul Society but I just felt so uneasy right now.

"Who are you?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and blinked when the lady spoke again. I realized I had been staring at her the whole time and it had made the four masked people in the room get even more guarded than before.

"Who are you and what were you doing so close to Konoha?" She asked.

There's that name again. Konoha. The name of a town – this town. And just like the masked people, this lady was asking me why I was close to the town in a way that put me in the spot of a suspicious person. I wasn't that suspicious, was I? Even if I did carry a katana with me....wait a minute.

I looked around the room trying to spot my zanpakuto. It wasn't anywhere in the room or even this building but I could sense it a good distance away from here.

"Where's my katana?" I looked back at the lady, not bothering to sound courteous.

"So it does belong to you...." The lady spoke. "You won't find it here, don't worry. We've kept it somewhere safe and away from you. Since the katana belongs to you, I believe you are trained in kenjutsu?"

"Well, the katana is more like a family heirloom. I learnt the basics of kenjutsu....just enough for self defense I guess." I lied smoothly.

She was speaking as if seeing someone with a katana and being trained as a swordsman wasn't anything out of the ordinary. There was something big I was missing here because regular humans would consider it illegal to even carry any sort of weapon – even a dagger. I don't think it was a good idea for me to tell her about my real powers, at least not yet.

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