Chapter 21 - Feelings

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Yamato pov:

"Hah, it's no wonder Kakashi senpai always finds reasons to avoid his team....another treat for lunch and I'll have a hole through my pocket!" I slumped my shoulders as I looked at my two thirds empty wallet.

I looked up ahead to see Naruto, Sakura and Sai walking happily, their stomachs full. Because of how much they had eaten, I had lost my appetite. I wanted to save at least a bit of my money by cutting down on what I ate for lunch.

I sighed, pitying myself and putting my wallet back into my pocket.

"Hey hey, did you hear? The Akatsuki have started to make their move again!" I paused walking and looked to the side upon hearing a group of men talking.

They were huddled together and were talking in hushed whispers. I was close enough to hear what they were saying pretty clearly. although, I think the word 'Akatsuki' was what caught my attention. If they were talking about anything else, I doubt I would have bothered about their conversation. Narrowing my eyes a bit, I stepped closer to them while being as inconspicuous as possible.

"Yeah! I heard that they've been stealing stuff and killing people in high positions! I can't believe that they take assassination missions from anonymous sources and have the guts to do things that are so risky....uuugh, it's scary just thinking about how it must be to fight them!" Another guy said with a shudder.

"Oi, that's not even half of what is going on! I heard another member joined their organization recently! Someone with really good taijutsu and kenjutsu skills!"

Taijutsu and kenjutsu? Were these people possible talking about Saya? When she and Kurenai san's team had gone to Togè Village for a mission, we had got news that the Akatsuki had turned up and fought them. Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame, to be precise. Uchiha Itachi had used his Tsukuyomi on Saya and forced her unconscious. Kurenai san's team was easily defeated and the Akatsuki had taken Saya with them.

"Really?? That's not how I heard it. I heard rumors that the Akatsuki wasn't really bothered about that girl's taijutsu or kenjutsu....they wanted her because of her legendary Blue Flame Release jutsu!"

Okay, I think I had had enough of eavesdropping on them. It was time to get information from them directly and clearly. I walked up to them and gave a friendly smile. They all looked at me with frowns but I didn't let it bother me.

"I heard you lot talking about the Akatsuki and someone with the Blue Flame Release jutsu....would you care to give me some more details on it?" I asked nicely.

"Tch! Why should we tell you anything? You Konoha shinobi shouldn't poke your nose into other people's matters all the time!" One of them said in a sneer.

I heard a vein pop and I subdued my friendly façade. I widened my eyes and put on my signature threatening stare and looked down at them. They all cringed back uncomfortably and even gulped in nervousness while avoiding eye contact. This was a tactic that worked well on almost everyone including Naruto and I had fun when I got people to tell me what I wanted to know or do what I wanted them to do.

"You are going to tell me everything you've heard....unless you want me to force it out of you myself. Am I clear?" I said in a low voice.

"Y-Yes!!" The three of them squeaked and gave them a nod of approval before I began interrogations.


"Yamato, are you sure that you heard them right?" Tsunade sama questioned as I stood in front of her desk in the Hokage's room.

"Yes, Hokage sama. I am certain of what I heard from them....and unfortunately, I am certain that it is Saya who has joined the Akatsuki and is fighting on their side." I said with a nod.

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