Chapter 1 - Resolute

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This chapter is dedicated to Nora_Universe! Thank you for being the first to comment on the Itachi Story notification I put up on my profile! Happy reading! :)


Saya pov: [a/n: name means Swift Arrow]

"I want to apologize for having you take up this mission, Saya. But I feel that you are the only one strong enough for it."

"You don't have to apologize, Yamamoto san. These are times when we cannot hesitate and I want to do everything I can to help. It is thanks to you, after all, that I was able to take pride in my power as a shinigami. Besides, I was the one who suggested this." I gave a chuckle finding Yamamoto san's apology completely unnecessary.

He opened his eyes just a bit so he could watch me even more sternly than before. I knew that meant he was very serious and concerned about how this plan would play out. After all, it wasn't every day that a shinigami is sent alone to Hueco Mundo to fight against the three shinigami threatening to disrupt the balance of the world. Not to mention the fact that the shinigami in question were very powerful and had a bunch of bloodthirsty arrancar as their army.

"I know that, Saya. You are are at a level where even I cannot beat you in a full blown battle. Your reiatsu is monstrously high and your fighting skills are precise and deadly. However, I am still concerned for your safety. Those three are not to be underestimated." Yamamoto san warned.

Even though he knew very well that my reiatsu was one that overshot not just his but Aizen san's as well, I was heading into a battlefield where it wasn't just about brute strength and fighting skill. It was tricks and illusions that I had to be careful about. I could manage Hado and Bakudo spells and even use them at their maximum power without bothering with their incantations no matter how high level they were. But with Aizen san as the main opponent, I was sure to experience my share of traps against which neither my monstrous reiatsu nor my deadly sword fighting would work very easily.

"Thank you for your concern, Yamamoto san. I will keep my guard up." I bowed, closing my eyes in sincere respect.

"Alright, I think it is time for you to head out. Kuchiki taichou and Kurotsuchi taichou will be guiding you with some safety measures before you go through the garganta to get to Hueco Mundo. They are the only ones who know about this mission at the moment and I think it would be best to keep it so for now." Yamamoto san said and I gave him a nod.

"I understand. Also, I have a request." I said, my heart feeling a little tight in nervousness. "Please don't tell Ichigo or the others about this either. They will worry....especially Isshin san. I don't want to cause them any trouble."

Yamamoto san nodded and closed his eyes. I took a deep breath and with another chaste bow with my head, I walked out of the First Squad barracks. I wanted to avoid meeting anyone in Soul Society at the moment. I had come here without anyone in the human world or Soul Society knowing because I wanted this solo mission to be a secret from everyone possible. And I wanted to keep it that way as long as I could.

Meeting anyone else here would mean having to make up lies and cover up my actual reason of coming alone. So I used shunpo to get across Soul Society as quickly as possible while keeping my reiatsu at its minimum to make sure that no one could sense my presence here. I avoided all routes where I could sense other shinigami and mostly used the rooftops.

When I reached Kurotsuchi san's personal laboratory where he usually conducted experiments I find to be quite extreme, I let myself in after a knock. As expected, Byakuya san and Kurotsuchi san were waiting for my arrival. While Byakuya san was standing silently with his eyes closed, Kurotsuchi san was mumbling to himself while tampering with his crazy machines and ordering his lieutenant around. Well, this is how they always were. If these two captains weren't as they were right now, everyone would flip.

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