Chapter Eight: Replace

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It was the end of the day, and likely the last time Purple would see her school, her teachers, her friends. She sulked off, waving a tired hoof goodbye to her friends.

"Times... up."

No... It couldn't possibly be over yet! Purple's cries were ignored as a bright blue light lifted Purple into the air, and her friends watched in horror as the ghost of a long dead pony appeared, and spoke.

"This is what happens when you try to change the future! When you think you're better than me... when you... REPLACE ME!"

"No..." She whimpered softly, as she felt herself going pastel in front of everypony she cared about. She saw the last ten seconds tick down in her head.

10... 9... 8... 7... 6...

Her friends stared in horror as a flash of teal light engulfed her.

3... 2...

But one never came. Her friends... they believed her now!

Suddenly, the ghost started to glow brighter than before, and started expanding. Bigger, bigger, bigger, until she was the size of the school! Purple regained her colour, and dropped to the ground. She had a battle ahead of her. But she wouldn't do it alone. She had her friends.

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