Chapter 15

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Amber's POV:

I panted hard and slumped forward after the painful shock left my body. The droid who was torturing me looked back and Count Dooku, waiting for a response. They have been torturing me for hours, trying to get me angry. It worked at first, but now my body was getting tired. Dooku stepped forward and cupped my jaw firmly in his hand.

"You are stronger than I thought for a young brat. It looks like our method of torture is getting old. Maybe ... a new tactic will get you to turn." I looked into his eyes with a glare. "I would never turn. Nothing you do will make me." He smirked and stood up straight. "You have your father's strength." I gasped and arched my back when another jolt of electricity coursed through me.

Once it was over, I started wheezing. " do you know about my f-father?" I stuttered tiredly. Count Dooku began circling me slowly. "My darling, everyone in the galaxy knew about your father. He was claimed to be one of the best Jedi in the Republic and High Council. His teacher was Master Yoda himself. Your father and I battled a few times, and he was a worthy opponent." I had a look of confusion before it turned into fire. "Why are you complimenting him when you're a Sith! You're supposed to hate Jedi."

"That doesn't mean I can not admire his ranking. I can sense your pain, loss, sorrow, anger. I can imagine you were never able to grieve your father's death properly. In fact, your father wouldn't be dead if had it not been for the Jedi." I looked at him with a scowl. "The Jedi have nothing to do with this," I spat out with as much fierce as I could muster. He chuckled darkly. "Here I thought you hated the Jedi. Unfortunately, my dear, they are responsible. They didn't come to your father when he called for help. He couldn't even tell the Jedi of his affair until right before his death. So, tell me Amber, who is rightful to blame for his tragic death?"

I blinked away tears that threatened to leak out. None of this is true like Cham said, there could have been interference with the transmission could there? The Jedi had nothing to do with my father's death; it was that Sith who killed him. The Jedi couldn't have, Obi-Wan couldn't have. I used the force to call out for help and received Obi-Wan in the force trying to comfort me, and I soaked up the support at much as I could. I then heard:

Don't worry Amber; you will be just fine. We are coming for you. Just hold on a moment longer.

The words were comforting, and they filled me with a flicker of hope.

I've been feeling this sort of attraction to Obi-Wan lately in the force. Nothing romantic, but more like a connection or bond. He was the first person in 5 years who has shown any interest in my well-being and cared whether or not I was okay. Suddenly, the comfort had been snatched away, and I was left with nothing.

Out of nowhere, I felt a source of anger and grief and hate to fill my veins. All the emotions I had over the years started to create a tsunami that drowned my senses.

Hot tears flowed down my cheeks. I started crying feeling rage coming out. Cold and darkness then came in, making me shiver. The darkness clouded my head, and I screamed.

Then, I was submerged in an ocean of darkness and anger. More like drowning. I couldn't get out; I was slowly sinking in the water. I felt my eyes open. Everything was red and yellow.

I moved my now free hand up to see black veins coated my body. I stood up slowly and looked up to see Count Dooku with a smirk. "Now, my dear, will you accept me as your master?" I blinked at him. Something inside of me said no, but I couldn't hear it.

I knelt down and bowed my head slowly.



--On the Resolute--

Obi-Wan's POV:

Anakin, Ahsoka, and I were at the bridge on the Resolute. We were discussing the plan when Cody and Rex entered. "Sir, we found out the coordinates for the location of Count Dooku." Rex inserted the coordinates.

"Admiral, jump to light-speed," Anakin ordered, and soon, we were off.

I stayed silent. I would not admit this out loud, but I was worried about Amber. I was silently hoping that Amber was robust enough to withstand Dooku's torture, but a part of me knew that Dooku would get to her eventually. Amber was very sensitive about the topic her father that much I have noticed.

My thoughts traveled to the words Master Yoda spoke of shortly before our departure that he felt Amber, and I's bond in the force. To be honest, I felt the connection ever since Geonosis when we found Amber. It was more like a spark back then, but as time moved on, the small flash expanded into a connection. I'm not sure if Amber has felt it, but I certainly have.

I closed my eyes, trying to sense Amber, but her force signature was nowhere to be found. I nearly jumped when I felt someone call out to me. It was a girl. It was Amber. She was calling out to me for help, and I could sense the fear and sadness in her. I reached back out to her, sending comforting thoughts to her.

Don't worry Amber; you will be just fine. We are coming for you. Just hold on a moment longer.

I sent it out and smiled when I felt her relax a bit. That smile was short-lived when her force signature was no more. I went deeper, searching for it everywhere, but found nothing.

A hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my meditation. I looked around to locate the source of the hand was Anakin. He had an expression of concern lace his face. "Master, are you alright?" I took a few breaths before nodding. "Yes, I'm alright. I was just feeling Amber in the force. She's scared Anakin, something major has happened to her."

"How do you figure that?" Cody spoke up with eyes filled with a touch of worry. "Because her force signature is no more."

Everyone stayed silent while we continued our journey through hyperspace.

Oh Amber, please be alright.

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