The Drake Chronicles is owned by Alyxandra Drake
Last chapter
"Drakes can't be bad at kissing. It's a true fact" Quinn added but got a glare from mom and he shut up.
Lucy's pov
It is wierd having Helena read my chapter I have no idea what I say.
She continued
"Focus," I told myself sternly, locking our front door, double-checking it. I watched every bush and tree suspiciously on my way back to the safety of my car. The tires squealed, sending up clouds of dust as I sped out of there. The back of my neck didn't relax completely until I'd reached the outskirts of town, with its candy-colored galleries and ice-cream parlors. The area was popular with artists, environmentalists, and homesteaders like my folks. There were few places with so much wilderness all around—dense forests and hidden waterfalls and even wolves, sometimes, singing on cold winter nights. The combination of the untamed countryside and the fact that everyone here was pretty private and accepting of alternative lifestyles made it a perfect place for vampires to live in undiscovered. At least I thought they were undiscovered. If not, no one talked about it. Folks here were far more likely to get heated over conspiracy theories and nuclear waste sites.
First, I stopped by the drugstore for nose plugs and I cleared them out entirely.
The cashier didn't even blink. Then I went to the hardware store for hunting and camping supplies, which were big business in town. I felt a little silly, I admit, kind of like the comic book character I'd accused Kieran of emulating. But I was determined, too. If there was anything I'd learned from my parents, besides how to chopwood and prime the water pump, it was that you did what needed doing and you didn't complain about it or pretend it wasn't necessary. Afterward, I felt perfectly justified in rewarding myself with a double- shot cinnamon latte. And since my parents weren't there, I didn't even use soy milk. That was downright rebellious in our family. I nearly snorted— I was going back to a house where blood was sipped like a fine wine and vegetarianism wasn't exactly an option. I'd already made Solange promise she wouldn't drink any bunnies dry.
I was halfway back to my car when I felt the warning prickle. I swallowed, forced myself not to speed up or slow down, to keep my pace even and oblivious. There was a family eating hot dogs on a bench, someone else on a bicycle, two girls walking a tiny teacup Chihuahua. There was something else as well, that indescribable feeling of being watched, followed. I turned the corner, the green lawns of a park on my left, my car farther down on the right. No other pedestrians. The sun was making the sidewalk feel soft under my sandals. Almost definitely not a vampire then, it was too hot and bright.
There was the barest tremble from the hazel thicket. I wouldn't have noticed it at all if I hadn't been so paranoid about every single thing around me. Adrenaline shivered through me. I hoped I still looked like any other distracted girl, sipping my latte and juggling shopping bags. I waited until I was right next to the hazel before I chucked my latte and hollered, launching myself at whoever was skulking around back there. We went down in a tangle of flailing limbs and blistering curses. I saw black cargo pants, black nose plugs, black eyes. His code name was probably Shadow.
"That's the end of the chapter."Helena said, "Lucy why can't you be normal?"
"Normal, isn't in my vocabulary." Everyone one laughed.

Destined-Drake Chronicles
FanfictionThis story has been stopped till I have finished the whole book. Sorry for any inconvenience.-author. When the Drakes receive a box holding the Drake Chronicles and a note, they decide to read them together. It's set a year before Hearts at Stake/My...