The Drake Chronicles is owned by Alyxandra Harvey
Last chapter
"Yeah." He stood up and went to the door, where he paused for the barest second. "You got me through."I stare at Nicholas and he stares back at me none of us daring to say a word
Solange's POVBANG!!
The door sounded as it hit the wall loudly. Everyone one stared to see a woman with brown hair and eyes that look like Lucy but older walk in.Mum jumped to her feet as soon as she saw the Helios-Ra tattoo on her.
"I normally get a hug when I walk in but a fight with you wouldn't hurt." She smiled and sounded like Lucy.
Me and Lucy were heading for the basement with Nicholas, she has passed my mum, dad and my brothers.
She jumped on tables and chairs and dodged stakes flung at her. She was really close to us but she had her eye on Lucy not me.
Nicholas notices the same and attacks her, she seems to really not want to hurt him so she dodges but then she gave up and kicked him into the wall with enough force for him to be down for at least 30 minutes.
She smiles at me then lunges for Lucy.
Lucy wouldn't go down that easily without a fight she tries and elbow her anywhere and every where she kicked the woman with enough force in the leg for her to fall down but Lucy goes down too holding the same place on her leg.We all stare. The woman pulls a knife out of thin air and hold it at Lucy throat. Everyone freezes.
"Can we all calm down she says?" She says
"I would try to but you have a knife at my throat." Lucy says like there isn't a knife that could cut through her.
"Sorry." She replies and takes it away.
Lucy takes it as a chance and leaps at her but she was too smart and Lucy ends up on the floor with the woman on top of her."Seriously, I am you from the future and you can ask any question that only we will know." She says to Lucy, Lucy smirked and whispers something into her ear. The woman's smiles and replies back into Lucy's ear and they both start laughing like old buddies.
"Yeah that's me." Lucy's tells us. We must look like we don't believe her so the supposed to be future Lucy. "All vampires must hold their breaths. See my arm" future Lucy says showing her arm "Now Lucy's arm nothing there."
She get the knife out again we hold our breath. Lucy hold her arm out and future Lucy pierces the knife through her arm she winces, future Lucy moves it a centimetre then pulls it out.She takes a plaster out of her pockets on puts it on Lucy's wound. Future
Lucy show us her hand, exactly were she pierced Lucy skin she got the exact same scar at the same place. It hadn't been there before.
"Do you believe me now?" Future Lucy asks
We nod our head."Woah nice ring. We married?" Lucy asks her future self.
"Yeah, just for 3 years, though." Future Lucy replies.
"How old are you?" Lucy asks
"I'm 28." Future Lucy.
"We have lived our life?" Lucy says
"We are still living?"
"Who is our husband?.
"Just to have some fun I will wait and tell you when he arrives." Future Lucy says, "I was going to go by myself but no one trusts me enough not to ruin or blow up another town."
"Another town?" Mum asks
"Yeah she blew up a town after a number of Hel-Blair infected the place I was there." Says a man from the door.
"And you are?" Mum asked him
"I can't believe you don't know your own son," he replied
"My son?" Mum looked confused we all were.
"Nicholas Christopher Drake" he said
"Your not married to Lucy, are you?" Now Lucy asks .
"We are." Future Nicholas said while Lucy nodded her head.We just gaped.
16 year old Nicholas stared to stir he opened his eyes and saw future Lucy having no idea who she was he jumps. Future Nicholas sees and pushes Lucy out of the way. Future Nicholas easily wins over Nicholas who is on the floor with a stake near his chest.
"Nicholas vs Nicholas who will win?" Quinn commented with a smirk.
"What are you talking about and why are you just standing there?" Nicholas asks
"That's future you," Lucy informs him while pointing at future Nicholas who is now standing next to Lucy holding her hand. "And she future me and we're married " she points at future Lucy,
"What? No we're no, wait how long was I out for," Nicholas looks so depressed and confused.
While Lucy and Nicholas try and figure out how that happens mums ask the question we were all thinking."How and why are you in the future." I was hoping someone would ask.
"Our memories have been somewhat blocked and Kala sent us back to see what was blocking it and why." Future Lucy says
"Who's Kala?" I ask
"Shamaka of the Hounds which Logan becomes apart of." She answered
"I become a Hound?" Logan double checked with a smirk
"Yeah but that's only cause your fiance." Future Nicholas sounded jealous.
"Yeah, but we like Isabeau so being with a handmaiden from the Hound our bond is stronger," Lucy says professionally."Oh god did I say that you treaties talk are really annoying now look what's I say" Lucy sounds mad at herself and future Nicholas. He chuckled."Why have you got baby wipes and a baby toy in your bag Lucy?" Lucy asked
"Why we're you going through my bag?" Future Lucy '
"Our bag actually and snooping to see how we are like, Now answer the question," Lucy asks in a strict voice"We have a two year old brother who is adopted and we get him every Thursday. That's why I have a baby toy and the baby wipes are because he can't go 5 minutes without drooling over himself. Which is cuter than it sounds." Future Lucy answers
"Oh thank god I thought you had a kid," Lucy says breathing again. Future Lucy glances at future Nicholas with a don't tell her look. "Mum and Dad adopted a kid?" Lucy mutters
"Yeah he's called Jace Happy Hamilton. His first name would have been Happy if it wasn't for me." Future Lucy says rolling her eyes.
"Oh god you saved his life, that's sounds like mum." Lucy says
"You have no idea the names we went through. Jace's mum still wants to get to know him." Future Lucy said in a disgusted tone.
"Luce your supposed to be nice about Jace's mum, he wouldn't like it if your were mean about his mother" Nicholas scolds her while tracing circle around her palm.
"Why don't we like Jace's mum? And why do you call her Luce" Lucy asks eyebrows raised as high as possible.
"She wasn't careful while carrying Jace, she smoked which affected him, his lungs are quite bad for a 2 year old. They didn't fully develop so he's got bad asthma. He stops breathing sometimes." Future Lucy replies with pain in her voice. She must really care about her brother. "Nicky just calls me Luce and he doesn't get mad when I call him Nicky." She smirks"Is it ok if I call you Luce, and call 15 year old you Lucy. Can I call you Nicky and 16 year old you Nicholas." I feel shy around my best friend. She smiles at me with. "Sure." She replies her voice makes me think of honey.Nicholas nodded.
"So what are you guys doing right now because I am supposed to figure out why our memories are blocked and try and unblock them with help from Solange who will join us later." Luce says in a single breath.
"We are reading a book which is about our future. Now we can see if that really happens." I answer my best friend, it weird seeing a matured version of Lucy.
"A book about our future, can I see it?" Luce looks really worried. "Nicky get my Laptop please." Nicky leaves the house.
"Not our future, next year like when Nicholas kisses you to get you away from bounty hunters, does that happen?" She blushed when I asked, while nodding her head.
Hope you liked it
estherq12 xx

Destined-Drake Chronicles
FanficThis story has been stopped till I have finished the whole book. Sorry for any inconvenience.-author. When the Drakes receive a box holding the Drake Chronicles and a note, they decide to read them together. It's set a year before Hearts at Stake/My...