Part 15

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Last Chapter

"It's just the change," he said. "You're overtired. It's normal." The yawn was so big it made my eyes water.

"Are you sure?"

I wasn't awake long enough to hear his reassurance.

"That's the end of Solange chapter who's next" Conner asked
"I'll read." I volunteered myself for the next chapter. It couldn't get worse than this.


Lucy's pov



"What the bloody hell do you mean Solange went to see Veronique? And Natasha?" Everyone took a healthy step back out of range of Helena's fury. "I specifically said she wasn't to leave the house." Liam sat in his chair and grimly drank a brandy. Hyacinth's pug was sniffing under the front door and whining. I shifted from foot to foot. The thick miasma of anger and pheromones was starting to make even me light-headed. Liam reached out for his wife's hand.

"They'll be all right," he said darkly. I'd never heard his voice have that particular tone and kind of hoped I'd never hear it again. It made the hairs on the back of my neck shiver.

"Why'd Lady Natasha set a bounty in the first place?" Nicholas asked hotly.

"How can someone as something hotly?" Solange asks me.

"I don't know." shyness in my voice.

"There's a rumor going around," Sebastian explained. "That Solange really is going to take Lady Natasha's crown as soon as she changes." We stared at him, all sorts of horrible scenarios unfolding in the spaces between us.

"But Solange would hate that," I said.

"But Lady Natasha would never want to be anything else," Helena said. "So she'll never understand that, or trust it. Also, she knows Montmartre is courting Solange, in his own twisted fashion. Even though they haven't been together for a long time, she doesn't share well." She glanced at the window. "Where the bloody hell is Hyacinth?It'll be dawn soon."

"Bruno has his boys out looking for her."

"I should be with them." Sebastian was standing stiffly in the corner, glowering.

"No." Helena narrowed her eyes in his direction.


"I said no, Sebastian. You've done enough tonight."

"What about London?" Nicholas asked. "She's the one who came to get Solange." Liam sighed. "She's a royalist, like the rest of that side of the family. But I have to believe she didn't know about the danger."

"There's more." Geoffrey tapped his pen on the cover of a leather-bound book.

His hair stuck up everywhere; he'd been raking his hand through it constantly since he got here. Liam tilted his head back and briefly closed his eyes.

"Of course there is."

"I've finished analyzing the Hypnos sample."

Liam straightened, his eyes flaring like hot silver.

"Tell me."

"Several zombie drugs, as we'd assumed," Geoffrey said.


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