Last chapter
I was thinking so hard I didn't see the shadow leap down from a tall gray aspen, scowling fiercely.
He wore unrelieved black like the others and was armed to the teeth. His dark eyes pinned me.
"What the hell is she doing here?"
Kieran Black.
Lucy's Pov" What the fuck was that," Solange says.
Luce is laughing we're all staring at her confused."Did you have fun Sol?" she says sarcastically.
"Shut up, what are you doing playing a love-hate relationship with Nicky. That just between us." Sol says to Luce.
"Naughty Sol, your secrets are coming out" Luce laughs.
"I'll read next," Nicky says ignoring them completely.
I look over at Solange, very confused I mouth to her what secrets. I don't know she mouths back.
Nicky starts reading.
Saturday night, very late
I ignored the pleasantries being stiffly exchanged since Nicholas was lying really close to me. It was so wrong that I wanted to snuggle against his side.
Nicky smirks and looks at Luce who just shrugs. I really love their relationship, even if it is Nicholas Drake.
It was Nicholas.
Byron was a welcome distraction as he ambled up the stairs and lay on my other side. He had kibble breath and was close enough that he drooled on my arm. I nudged him.
"Move over, you big lump." He just gave me that doggy look, the pathetic one I could never resist. "Fine, but at least quit drooling on me. It's gross." I scratched his ear briefly. "Some watchdog you are." I knew the other two Bouvier's would be lying down near Hart and Hope, eyeing them hungrily.
"I want to assure you," Hart was saying in the living room, "that I have officially retracted the bounty on the Drake clan, just so there are no more misunderstandings."
"We're glad to hear it," Liam said blandly. I could just imagine what retort Helena was biting back.
We all started laughing.
"That would have been funny to hear," Sol says
We agreed. Even Helena.
"It was an accident," Hart continued, sounding hard. "And one that will be rectified immediately."
"I suggest you keep a close rein on your organization," Helena said. "Or I will cease to keep such a tight rein on mine."
"Understood. We stand by our treaty," Hope interjected. "This is an internal problem and should never have leaked out."
Their voices dropped slightly. There was the clink of glasses. I squirmed, trying to peer around the stairs into the living room. I could see the edge of a chair and nothing else. There wasn't even anyone sitting in it.
"I'm going to try and get closer," I murmured.
When Nicholas didn't try and stop me, I turned to look at him. He was asleep. His cheek rested on his hand, pale skin gleaming, dark brown hair tousled. His features were sculpted, sensual, and dark. It was totally unfair how beautiful he was. Even if it did sound like he might be snoring a little.
"I don't snore."
"You do and you know it read the book," Luce says so quickly with a fierceness like she expected it.

Destined-Drake Chronicles
FanfictionThis story has been stopped till I have finished the whole book. Sorry for any inconvenience.-author. When the Drakes receive a box holding the Drake Chronicles and a note, they decide to read them together. It's set a year before Hearts at Stake/My...